Plasma Power

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 03:27:58 -0800

Hi Folks!

Tonite, some of us local buds went out to see two .99 cent
was Kiss the Girls, the other the Jackal...both great the
Jackal, a guy said something that I thought really applied to what we are
all doing (including me) 'we need less motion and more substance', kind
of like the country song, 'a little less talk and a lot more action'.

The point being we need to do little experiments where we can post our
findings or questions, even if our experiment DOESN'T work...maybe
discuss it first to make sure it hasn't been done or that there is some
remote hope of success if actually built...

One that particularly interests me is Chernetskii's arc discharges in
plasma (this is from ) ;

Until recently the vacuum energy idea was only a daring hypothesis
bordering on science-fiction. The lamp powered by vacuum in Chernetski's
basememt laboratory in the center of Moscow made it a reality.

This is how he explains his miraculous experiment:

"The self-generating discharge emerges when the discharge current reach a
definite critical density, when the magnetic fields they create ensure
magnetisation of plasma electrons and they begin to perform mostly
cycloid movements. (got that?? CYCLOIDS, SAME AS INERTIAL DRIVES!!!)

The interaction of currents with their magnetic fields forces the
electrons to deviate to the cylinder-shaped discharge axis and the
electrical field emerges. It has proved to 'switch on' the physical
vacuum: in this field the vacuum is polarised and consequently the
virtual pairs begin to move in a definite direction, instead of
chaotically. the virtual positrons accelerate plasma electrons, giving
them part of their energy.

The current in the circuit builds up and additional energy is discharged
on the resistor switched into the discharge circuit. Clearly, only part
of the tremendous vacuum energy is extracted.

"We've developed several circuit versions which can find application. In
the later experiment with an input power of 700 watts, that extracted by
the generator loads resistance was three kilowatts, or nearly five times

This is by far not the limit and with more powerful plants and the
corresponding calculations megawatts of free electricity can be produced
from a minimal power source."

I have been sold on this as a very promising technology. Seems like a
gas filled tube, excited to glow, then stimulated with high intensity
magnetic spikes would channel these electrons to a tap....comments?

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187