Re: Plasma Power

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 03:39:44 -0800

Hi Folks!

The correlation here is from ;

...with the vacuum underpinned by a compound medium of opposites we
can call the 'ether', a whole new vista appears. Now energy CAN be
created or destroyed - provided negative and positive energies change
TOGETHER in EXACTLY balanced amounts! (can you say scalar???)

...At first this seemed to present a difficulty. Would not the two
halves of ether MUTUALLY ANNIHILATE as primaries of opposite energy
collided at high speed? turned out that the need to conserve momentum prevented MUTUAL
annihilation of energies from occurring during collisions. Indeed the
two conservation laws of energy AND momentum, which had to be applied
SIMULTANEOUSLY, led to a totally different result.

...Instead of annihilating, primaries INCREASED in number! In fact,
18% MORE of BOTH kinds appeared, on average, from EACH collision of

...When primaries collide by approaching one another from any other
direction, so that their trajectories intersect at some ARBITRARY
ANGLE, the analysis is only made slightly more complicated. Note it is
necessary to consider RELATIVE velocities of approach. From such
vantage points some collisions will also APPEAR to be HEAD-ON, so
yielding THE SAME RESULT as the one previously described.

...However, for collisions NOT HEAD-ON, a sideway SCATTERING MOTION is
imparted. And this applies equally to the general case just
mentioned. Each primary GAINS extra momentum in this transverse
direction, the positive one gaining positive momentum and the negative
one gaining the negative variety. It follows that corresponding
evaluation then yields the average gain ratio just quoted (18%).

However, the positive and negative gains of both momentum and energy
could CANCEL under conditions of MULTIPLE COLLISIONS (noise). It
therefore follows that everything that exists must ultimately have
derived from the zero energy state of nothingness.

IMHO, this ties in nicely with Chernetskii's claim of producing energy
from the vaccuum, though he is actively using the INERTIAL DRIVE
(cycloid) principle to deflect and channel the resultant annihilation
derived energies to a collection plate or grid, to be tapped off for
practical use...marvelous argon tube, one or more coils, a
heavy DC power supply, a knife switch or electronic switching circuit
(Mosfets, triacs, SCRs) to provide the high density pulses..better yet,
high voltage caps rapidly charged up to produce the high density spikes,
as in the EV Gray motor....and construction details in the F/E book on
the keelynet front page...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187