Re: Plasma Power

Paul Brown ( (no email) )
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 06:58:24 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry W. Decker <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, February 05, 1998 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: Plasma Power

>Hi Folks!
>The correlation here is from ;
> ...with the vacuum underpinned by a compound medium of opposites we
> can call the 'ether', a whole new vista appears. Now energy CAN be
> created or destroyed - provided negative and positive energies change
> TOGETHER in EXACTLY balanced amounts! (can you say scalar???)
> ...At first this seemed to present a difficulty. Would not the two
> halves of ether MUTUALLY ANNIHILATE as primaries of opposite energy
> collided at high speed?
> turned out that the need to conserve momentum prevented MUTUAL
> annihilation of energies from occurring during collisions. Indeed the
> two conservation laws of energy AND momentum, which had to be applied
> SIMULTANEOUSLY, led to a totally different result.
> ...Instead of annihilating, primaries INCREASED in number! In fact,
> 18% MORE of BOTH kinds appeared, on average, from EACH collision of
> opposites.
> ...When primaries collide by approaching one another from any other
> direction, so that their trajectories intersect at some ARBITRARY
> ANGLE, the analysis is only made slightly more complicated. Note it is
> necessary to consider RELATIVE velocities of approach. From such
> vantage points some collisions will also APPEAR to be HEAD-ON, so
> yielding THE SAME RESULT as the one previously described.
> ...However, for collisions NOT HEAD-ON, a sideway SCATTERING MOTION is
> imparted. And this applies equally to the general case just
> mentioned. Each primary GAINS extra momentum in this transverse
> direction, the positive one gaining positive momentum and the negative
> one gaining the negative variety. It follows that corresponding
> evaluation then yields the average gain ratio just quoted (18%).
> However, the positive and negative gains of both momentum and energy
> could CANCEL under conditions of MULTIPLE COLLISIONS (noise). It
> therefore follows that everything that exists must ultimately have
> derived from the zero energy state of nothingness.
>IMHO, this ties in nicely with Chernetskii's claim of producing energy
>from the vaccuum, though he is actively using the INERTIAL DRIVE
>(cycloid) principle to deflect and channel the resultant annihilation
>derived energies to a collection plate or grid, to be tapped off for
>practical use...marvelous argon tube, one or more coils, a
>heavy DC power supply, a knife switch or electronic switching circuit
>(Mosfets, triacs, SCRs) to provide the high density pulses..better yet,
>high voltage caps rapidly charged up to produce the high density spikes,
>as in the EV Gray motor....and construction details in the F/E book on
>the keelynet front page...
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

I like the way you think!