Re: Plasma Power

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 04:40:56 -0800

Hi Bill!

You wrote;
> The big problem with this information presentation is the usual (God
> no,I'm sounding like a defeatest!) lack of technical data. eg: 700
> Watts in - 3000 Watts out. How was this measured etc?...

I agree...the dismal lack of details so common with f/e
claims....unfortunately Chernetski is now deceased thought I'm sure he
had partners in Russia who must know much, much more...

The experiment doesn't look all that hard to do...he says it is the
magentic field density which causes the redirection of electrons to the

So any ionized gas (plasma) excited with even one high density spike
should yield something, though the cycloid motion that so PRECISELY
matches the inertial drive devices, indicates a vector path for the
electrons to follow.

Kind of like collimating these loose electrons into an internal particle
beam, maybe even using the gas particles as the electron carriers, which
THEY WOULD BE since the gas is ionized, yet still composed of matter.

It intrigues the heck out of me....I was talking with a friend earlier
tonite and he had been experimenting with an ozone generator for
automobiles...runs off 12VDC and the ozone was ported into the
carburetor....he said the van they tested ran smoother, but no noticeable
increase in mileage.....the claim (from a now deceased researcher friend)
was that by injecting ozone with gas, he got 90mpg...

The reason I bring this up, he said he's been using a finger sized tube
of argon gas with a small bead of mercury....when energized by an auto
ignition coil, ozone production is profuse....the old Master Violet Ray
tube has one or more glass tubes filled with argon, usually you can find
these at flea markets....yet another source, Dr. James Bare provides
details in his book on where to buy off the shelf tubes or tubes of your
own design with one or more gases blown into them...they run up to about
$300 depending on complexity....lots of sources for these plasma tubes to
do such an experiment....then the high voltage coil construction details
are in the f/e book...this would provide the magnetic impulse to produce
the cycloid motion in the plasma....sounds better and better to me...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187