Re: Plasma Power

Dr Jones ( )
Sat, 7 Feb 1998 17:16:17 +1300

At 07:26 6/02/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Jer, you wrote....
>>Though offthread, I was told by a fellow who experimented with it,
>>Leonard Dorsett, that the Pogue carburetor tended to clog up every 1000
>>miles or so and had to be removed and cleaned....he said it was tar like
>>deposits, perhaps this is what happened when burning regular gasoline..
>Really! What kind of mileage did he obtain? Pogue plans used the exhaust
>as I recall to heat the fuel in to a dry vapor through what seemed an
>long maze - all heated by the exhaust.

The maze was just a heated chamber (2 actually) and it was made that way to get
maximum suface contact with the dry vapours. The metal acts as a catalyst to
crack the larger droplets into smaller ones (and thus raise the octane
level). The tetraethyl lead that was added coated the sides and prevented
this from occurring. Thats the gunk that had to be removed and cleaned.

I tried a similar experiment some time ago using just a metal heating
chamber straight into a carb. Unfortunately the engine was totally stuffed
by the time I tried and I couldn't get it started. But I did manage to crack
the petrol (leaded) by pouring boiling water over it; you get a thick purple
goo that covers everything.

So, if I remember correctly, assuming 10%
>efficiency of the engine, one could obtain enough energy to 200mpg!
>v/r Ken Carrigan
Yup, that's what Pogue achieved in a specailly modified 1932 V8 (must have
been one of the earliest out) Got a reading of 26.6 miles on one PINT.
Acknowledged by Ford (Canada) and Breen Motor Company.

Dr Jones