Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

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Table of Contents Physics Examples Aether Physics Model Einstein's Aether  Book
Evidence of God?



 Aether Blog


Scalar Waves
Energy from the Aether
Energy from Atoms
Discrete Physics
Units Grid
Constants Expressions
APM Examples


 Discrete Physics


The Aether Physics Model is inherently discrete.  To understand the discreteness, however, requires the acceptance of the non-physical Aether.  Albert Einstein sought for discreteness, but he unfortunately removed the Aether from physics thus making its discreteness impossible to see.  

When Charles-Augustin de Coulomb experimented with charge, he did not realize that its dimension was distributed.  Had Coulomb known that elementary charge was specifically electrostatic charge and in distributed dimension, he may have also discovered a second manifestation of charge within the same electron, the electromagnetic charge.  The electromagnetic charge is also distributed.  The physical difference between the electrostatic charge and electromagnetic charge is in their geometry.  The electrostatic charge (elementary charge) is spherical in geometry while the electromagnetic charge (strong charge) is toroidal in geometry.  The electromagnetic charge is the charge acted upon by magnetism and also provides the carrier for the strong nuclear force in atoms.

Unlike the prevailing view in physics that space and time belong to a lifeless void, the Aether Physics Model is predicated on a living Aether.  The Aether is "living" based on the observation that it is always spinning and always attracting mass and always attracting or repelling the two types of charge with their two polarities.  A whole philosophical approach could be derived from the observation of a living Aether, but that is not the scope of this web site.  Here we are concerned for the physical effects of the Aether on the physical world.

The geometry of the Aether is based on the geometrical constant of 16pi2, which is equal to the spherical constant (4pi) squared.  It is essential to conclusively derive the 16pi2 geometrical shape for modeling, as the subatomic particles assume their shape from the Aether.

The Aether has a discrete unit which is a unit of rotating magnetic field.  The easiest way to visualize this aether unit is to realize that it is equal to 16pi2 times Coulomb's constant.  Coulomb's constant can be thought of as a discrete plane that attracts or repels from between two electrostatic charges.  Wrap that plane around the surface of the shape represented by 16pi2 and you have the Aether unit which attracts or repels from between two electromagnetic charges.

A subatomic particle can be modeled either by its string like mass moving as a small circle tracing a large circle, or its donut like distributed electromagnetic charge, both give the same geometry.  The electrostatic charge is an odd feature of the subatomic particle, not its primary defining characteristic.  The electrostatic charge resides as a sphere within the center of the toroid's large circle.  The fine structure constant is related to the proportion of the electrostatic charge to the electromagnetic charge.

Whatever it was that initiated the angular momentum of subatomic particles during the Big Bang, the Aether is what maintains that angular momentum.  In the working physical Universe, the most discrete particles are the electron and proton.  The neutron is made from a combination of the two.  A precise model of the physical Universe cannot be made without an understanding of the non-physical Aether.

The Aether has an enormous force behind it, which I call the Gforce.  What do you call a force that acts on each and every single electron and proton, through both its mass and charge, with a force in the order of 1044 newton?  The Gforce is a manifestation of the Aether and is discretely quantifiable.

The shape of 16pi2 appears to be something related to the loxodrome pattern.  Perhaps it looks like a figure 8 but in three length dimensions and two time dimensions.  In the Aether Physics Model there are clearly two time dimensions just as in space there are three length dimensions.  The spin characteristic of the Aether and subatomic particles is related to the action of these two time dimensions.  Check out this HAARP animation for its vertical electric field.  

Notice the jerky movement of the electric field?  It appears half of the spin is "disappearing" into the second time dimension giving a stop and go type of effect.  HAM radio operators have many stories of listening to radio broadcasts from the past.  Also notice how the two "legs" sticking out of the top might be two halves of an loxodrome?  I believe these "legs" are clues to what the 16pi2 constant's geometrical shape looks like.

The two time dimensions appear to work in series with each other.  There is one quantum step in time forward, then one quantum step in time backward.  But for some reason, the angular momentum of physical matter only sees the one quantum step in time forward.  This gives us the half spin nature of physical matter and the half spin we see of the Aether.  It is as though time works like a ratcheting gear (similar to a come-a-long).  Physical matter will spin one half turn when the Aether is moving forward, but it stands still as the Aether spins in the opposite time direction.  The effect is to create the illusion of time.  I say "illusion" because the Aether appears to be the reference for reality and it is merely oscillating back an forth in time.  Only in the physical world do we perceive a continuity of time in one direction.  And since our perceptions are based on physical observations, we believe what we observe.

The Aether is curved in nature.  The Aether unit's geometry is based on pi.  In one dimension of time the Aether moves one curved quantum length (which is 2pi).  In the next dimension of time the Aether moves back one curved quantum length.  Once again, this looks like the figure 8, or an loxodrome.  In actuality, the figure 8 is drawn on a sphere with the top and bottom of the 8 touching the north and south poles, respectively.  And this, once again, looks like the "legs" in the HAARP animation for the vertical electric field.   Finally, the figure 8 is dimensional, like a snake and as depicted in the HAARP animation..

The angular momentum of the subatomic particles is maintained by the Aether.  In fact, a subatomic particle is nothing more than angular momentum, and nothing less.  It is primary angular momentum and represents a state of existence not presently recognized by the Standard Model of physics.  

A subatomic particle is a circular line of mass moving perpendicular to its plane, up and down the loxodrome.  The area scanned by the movement of the circle is the electromagnetic charge of the subatomic particle.

The Aether Physics Model provides the complete dimensions and values for the Aether and subatomic particle primary angular momentum.  This means it is possible to model both space-time (Aether) and all matter-energy (primary angular momentum) to the  exactness of each discrete manifestation with a computer program.

Through the Aether Physics Model, it is also possible to derive equations that exactly predict all binding energies and spectra for all isotopes (these equations have already been partially derived).  The Aether Physics Model also provides an exact, mathematically correct Unified Force Theory.  The Aether Physics Model also shows how to tap Zero Point Energy from the Aether using subatomic particles.

Given adequate research from the scientific community, the Aether Physics Model can be used to fully model space and time along with all the physical processes.  Neutron stars, black holes, molecules, light, DNA, gamma rays, and every other physical phenomenon can mathematically model from discrete Aether and primary angular momentum components.

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Last updated on Friday, June 13, 2008 03:50:34 PM