Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

A 501(c)3 Research Organization

of the

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Aether Highlights
Matter Highlights
Forces Highlights
Practical Applications


 Constants Expressions


The following are various expressions for the known Aether related constants.  The values of the quantum measurements are at the bottom of this page.


Simplified Value
In terms of quantum measurements
In terms of Coulomb's constant
In terms of gravitational constant
In terms of Gforce
In terms of permeability
In terms of permittivity
In terms of conductance no real relationship
In terms of c2

Coulomb's Constant

Simplified Value
In terms of quantum measurements
In terms of Coulomb's constant
In terms of gravitational constant no real relationship
In terms of Gforce
In terms of permeability
In terms of permittivity
In terms of conductance
In terms of c2

Gravitational Constant

Simplified Value
In terms of quantum measurements
In terms of Coulomb's constant no real relationship
In terms of gravitational constant
In terms of Gforce
In terms of permeability no real relationship
In terms of permittivity no real relationship
In terms of conductance no real relationship
In terms of c2

Permeability Constant

Simplified Value
In terms of quantum measurements
In terms of Coulomb's constant
In terms of gravitational constant
In terms of Gforce
In terms of permeability
In terms of permittivity
In terms of conductance
In terms of c2

Permittivity Constant

Simplified Value
In terms of quantum measurements
In terms of Coulomb's constant
In terms of gravitational constant no real relationship
In terms of Gforce
In terms of permeability
In terms of permittivity
In terms of conductance
In terms of c2

Conductance Constant

Simplified Value
In terms of quantum measurements
In terms of Coulomb's constant
In terms of gravitational constant
In terms of Gforce no real relationship
In terms of permeability
In terms of permittivity
In terms of conductance
In terms of strong charge
In terms of c2

Quantum Measurements

Mass associated with the Aether
Mass of the electron
Mass of the proton
Mass of the neutron
Elementary charge
Strong Charge associated with Aether
Strong Charge of the electron
Strong Charge of the proton
Strong Charge of the neutron
Quantum Frequency
Quantum Length (Compton wavelength)
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Last updated on Wednesday, May 02, 2007 01:08:51 PM