Electrical verses magnetic fields

Robert Calloway ( (no email) )
Mon, 18 May 1998 18:27:11 -0500

Hello All, I've always believed magnetic and electrical fields were one
in the same.
I'm not here to try to change the views of most people on that issue but...
Lets dicuss
it! So.. lets go all the way back to making electricty with a magnetic
A magnet is turning inside a coil of wire, so call electrons are bumping
along in the
wire carrying a electrical charge to a load. Number 1 question. How are
being replaced in the coil after the others have left to a load? If
electrons are being
replaced from the aether, you should have noticeable effects around large
Question number 2. The electrons are so called "charged" with this
explanation, what
happened to their charge when the load was disconnected and the magnet
If the generator runs long enough you'll have a bunch of atoms running
around looking
for electrons! I personally believe you must have law and order in this
world we live in
being "BALANCE". Now everything in this world has some sort of "defense"
Atoms are no different since everything is made up of them. I believe
copper atoms
are actually "offended" by a moving magnetic field. The magnet being a
electrical field offends these atoms causing their electrons and protons to
go "Out of
balance" around their orbit of the nucleus. The nucleus reacts by putting
potential from each of its atoms from this displeasure if you may.. This is
among the copper atoms, one senses it from the other offering its own
supply of
potential. But the futher from the generator it goes, the effect drops
depending on
wire size which contain more copper atoms if the wire guage is larger.
Heating in the
wire would be caused by the out of balanced state of the atom. One might
ask about
other conductors? Take silver for exsample, it would carry potential in the
same manner, but its atoms are not offended by a magnetic field as copper
is. But they
are subceptable to potential which is repetative. I say electrons are going
Do you want to experience the atoms "defense" system in person? Wear a
shirt with a polyester jacket all day. You'll be glad to shuck those when
you get
home. The fact is, they are two different materials of atoms that just cant
one another. To me.. its just natures way of balance.
Dont roll over yet Mike Faraday....these are just thoughts. Any takers??

Regards, Robert H.