Re: Electrical verses magnetic fields

Mathias ( )
Tue, 19 May 1998 14:23:55 -0700

Hi Robert at al:
> Hello All, I've always believed magnetic and electrical fields were one
> in the same.
> I'm not here to try to change the views of most people on that issue but...
> Lets dicuss
> it! So.. lets go all the way back to making electricty with a magnetic
> field.
> A magnet is turning inside a coil of wire, so call electrons are bumping
> along in the
> wire carrying a electrical charge to a load. Number 1 question. How are
> electrons
> being replaced in the coil after the others have left to a load? If
> electrons are being
> replaced from the aether, you should have noticeable effects around large
> generators.
> Question number 2. The electrons are so called "charged" with this

In another post subsequent to this one from Hexlinger suggested some
answer to which -as far as goes my understanding goes- I suscribe to
"Electrons never enter or leave the circuit - this is the most common
misconception in all 'electronics', and I think we have our poor
educational system to blame for it. Electrons merely act as the medium
pass CHARGE (energy). Energy is the only thing moving in the circuit...

Tom Bearden has written several paper on this and related subjects; you
can find a good summary of his view at (look under
downloadable zip files) in the form of a glossary. I'd suggest to read
such definition as "ENERGY", "POYNTING, JOHN HENRY", "ENERGY
usfull to some of you.
