Re: Electrical verses magnetic fields

Robert Calloway ( (no email) )
Tue, 19 May 1998 19:34:10 -0500

Hello Mathias! Yes, I have read all of Tom Beardens ideas and theories. I'm
just throwing in a little extra in with it! Regards, Robert H. Calloway.
> From: Mathias <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Electrical verses magnetic fields
> Date: Tuesday, May 19, 1998 4:23 PM
> Hi Robert at al:
> >
> > Hello All, I've always believed magnetic and electrical fields were
> > in the same.
> > I'm not here to try to change the views of most people on that issue
> > Lets dicuss
> > it! So.. lets go all the way back to making electricty with a magnetic
> > field.
> > A magnet is turning inside a coil of wire, so call electrons are
> > along in the
> > wire carrying a electrical charge to a load. Number 1 question. How are
> > electrons
> > being replaced in the coil after the others have left to a load? If
> > electrons are being
> > replaced from the aether, you should have noticeable effects around
> > generators.
> > Question number 2. The electrons are so called "charged" with this
> etc...
> In another post subsequent to this one from Hexlinger suggested some
> answer to which -as far as goes my understanding goes- I suscribe to
> "Electrons never enter or leave the circuit - this is the most common
> misconception in all 'electronics', and I think we have our poor
> educational system to blame for it. Electrons merely act as the medium
> to
> pass CHARGE (energy). Energy is the only thing moving in the circuit...
> "
> Tom Bearden has written several paper on this and related subjects; you
> can find a good summary of his view at
> (look under
> downloadable zip files) in the form of a glossary. I'd suggest to read
> such definition as "ENERGY", "POYNTING, JOHN HENRY", "ENERGY
> usfull to some of you.
> Mathias