Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

A 501(c)3 Research Organization

of the

Table of Contents Physics Examples Aether Physics Model Einstein's Aether  Book
Evidence of God?



 Aether Blog


Unified Force Theory
Coulomb's Constant
Gravitational Constant
Two Types of Charge
Fine Structure Constant
Mass to Charge Ratio
Casimir Effect
Nuclear Binding
Electron Binding
Internal Nuclear Length
Magnetic Moment
Dynamic Space


 Mass to Charge Ratio


BREAKING NEWS: We have successfully developed the electron binding energy equation, which accurately predicts the 1s orbital electron binding energies for all the atomic elements.

The Mass to Strong Charge Ratio (mchr) is a constant that appears in the Aether as well as the physical Universe.  

As shown on other pages in this web, all subatomic particles have both elementary charge and strong charge.  The ratio of mass to strong charge is always the same in subatomic particles.

What can be gleaned from this mass to strong charge ratio is that mass and charge are inherently connected.  That is, if we imagine a sheet of paper the mass dimension would be looking at the sheet from the edge and the strong charge would be looking at the surface.  In effect, mass and strong charge are two different views of the same thing.

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Last updated on Wednesday, May 02, 2007 01:08:52 PM