Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

A 501(c)3 Research Organization

of the

Table of Contents Physics Examples Aether Physics Model Einstein's Aether  Book
Evidence of God?



 Aether Blog


Unified Force Theory
Coulomb's Constant
Gravitational Constant
Two Types of Charge
Fine Structure Constant
Mass to Charge Ratio
Casimir Effect
Nuclear Binding
Electron Binding
Internal Nuclear Length
Magnetic Moment
Dynamic Space


 Forces Highlights


The Aether Physics Model deals with forces like no other theory presented in the history of physics.  Coulomb's electrostatic force law and Newton's gravitational force law are incorporated into the theory and a new electromagnetic force law is presented.  The three force laws together provide a quantified Unified Force Theory as each force can be expressed in terms of the other forces.

The pages to the left highlight some aspects of how the Aether Physics Model quantifies the forces. 








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Last updated on Wednesday, May 02, 2007 01:08:51 PM