Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

A 501(c)3 Research Organization

of the

Table of Contents Physics Examples Aether Physics Model Einstein's Aether  Book
Evidence of God?



 Aether Blog


Unified Force Theory
Coulomb's Constant
Gravitational Constant
Two Types of Charge
Fine Structure Constant
Mass to Charge Ratio
Casimir Effect
Electron Binding
Internal Nuclear Length
Magnetic Moment
Dynamic Space


 Dynamic Space


Matter can be defined by its physical characteristics, alone, at the macro level of existence.  But at the quantum level of existence, subatomic particles are co-defined with dynamic space.  Dynamic space and subatomic matter are inseparable.  Understanding dynamic space is essential to understanding Quantum Physics.  

The mathematical units that represent dynamic space have been known for well over a century.  Coulomb's constant and the gravitational constant represent the amount of force dynamic space exerts on charge and mass.  The correct perception of charge attraction/repulsion and gravity is that these forces arise from dynamic space. 

The Aether has two aspects, the electromagnetic aspect and the mechanical aspect.  Both aspects are driven by a massive force, called the Gforce.  Each of these aspects can be mathematically represented in terms of Gforce applied to an area of charge (electromagnetic aspect) or mass (mechanical aspect.)

The mechanical aspect is represented by the gravitational constant.  All mechanical waves propagating through the Aether are longitudinal in nature and travel as alternating density.  Sound is a mechanical wave of air; an earthquake is a mechanical wave of the Earth's surface.

The electromagnetic aspect is represented by Coulomb's constant.  All electromagnetic waves propagate through the Aether as transverse waves.  Radio and light are examples of electromagnetic waves.

A given quantum space has both a mechanical and electromagnetic aspect.  The mechanical to electromagnetic ratio of a quantum space is always exactly the same.  In fact, the exact same ratio applies to the mass to electromagnetic charge ratio of all subatomic particles.  This is an important concept in Quantum Physics which must be understood.  It is important because this constant ratio of mass to electromagnetic charge is direct evidence that every quantum object has two distinct aspects.

An appreciation for the concept of mechanical to electromagnetic ratio can be thought of by visualizing a spinning sphere.  If the sphere is spinning, there is exactly one equator to the sphere.  The equator arises from the mechanical action of the spin.  The axis of the spin produces two poles, north and south.  The north and south poles represent the electromagnetic aspect of the spinning sphere.  There is exactly just one axis for a given equator, and it is always at 90 degrees to the angular momentum of the spin.

The Aether has these mechanical and electromagnetic aspects, and just like the spin of subatomic particles, the Aether also has spin.

The mechanical aspect of the Aether is fairly simple, but the electromagnetic aspect is complex.  Coulomb's constant can further be mathematically represented by the speed of light in free space, permeability of free space, permittivity of free space, and the conductance of free space. 

The fact that Coulomb's constant is complex implies that it is dynamic.  In other words, the electromagnetic aspect of the Aether is the active aspect.  It is continually oscillating.  The conductance of the Aether is directly in sync with the angular momentum of subatomic particles, which produces subatomic electromagnetic charge. 

The Aether is alive with activity and exerts tremendous force.  It is inconceivable that physics will ever be truly understood without first understanding the Aether.

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Last updated on Friday, June 13, 2008 03:55:46 PM