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JanuaryJan 1 Tuesday 08

New year - new action!

It's been a while. I admit. But first of all: thank you all for coming to Brussels and a happy new year. There will be a new rally this year in September. Everybody willing to help organize it is welcome. I'm currently assembling a core team that will help me organizing …

SeptemberSep 8 Saturday 07

[day 64] D-day

Today Brussels' traffic will need to follow deviations for the first time in history because of hundreds of Europeans are waking up. The weather seems to be nice tomorrow, no rain and 15 to 20°C. The last days were a real challenge. I hope we get some media attention …

SeptemberSep 2 Sunday 07

[day 57] One week left

Around this time next week, the first participators will arrive at the Brussels North Station. If we have decent weather we may have a nice turn-out. Lot's of organizations decided to send a delegation to the protest. People will join us from across Europe and abroad. …

AugustAug 28 Tuesday 07

[day 53] More humanity - less insanity

The 14 day countdown already started. We got media attention. That is great. We are now 'far-left', 'anti-Jew' and 'anti-American', 'conspiracy theorists', and so on. This is what you get when one messes with media. Be sure they will be at the protest to blow up …

AugustAug 21 Tuesday 07

[day 49 >> 50] State of the Union

As some would say it is a positive fact we are now being announced in various media around the word, mainly newspapers, radio and news-sites.

So far so good. I'm happy as well, except for the way they are doing it. Some call us 'left orientated' others say we are …

AugustAug 18 Saturday 07

[day 46 >> 48] Sonic boom

As I am writing, more and more people seem to have found this website. Yesterday, over 500 unique visitors. This is mainly the achievement of the people in the coordination room. Again: thank you guys & girls! Now 60 people are coming to the rally, and for sure, there …

AugustAug 16 Thursday 07

[day 42 >> 45] Authorization granted

We now have complete authorization for the route Brussels-North to Brussels-South. That was phoned me just minutes ago by the responsible Police Inspector of the Brussels Police Department. Now, all I hope for is as many people as possible, and some nice sunny weather. …

AugustAug 14 Tuesday 07

[day 41 >> 42] My house

I live in a very old house. It was build in 1932, before the big war. Every day it needs more power not to collapse. But it's a beautiful house. Really. I love it. There are a lot of costs to keep it safe. Especially since Al Gore made a movie, I experienced some water …

AugustAug 9 Thursday 07

[day 35 >> 40] Propaganda

Tuesday I had the last big meeting with the Brussels Police Department. All went well, and I'm hoping to receive authorization from Mayor Thielemans as soon as possible. The meeting was a standard procedure with a member of the Belgian State Security, public transport, …

AugustAug 5 Sunday 07

[day 31 >> 34] We can now count!

And we count for two! I just heard the news that there will be a United for Truth sister rally in Madrid on 9 september as well. 'Asociacion por la Verdad sobre el 11 de Septiembre' will focus on the truth about the 9/11 events. It will be organized with close …

AugustAug 4 Saturday 07

[day 30] 50%

I almost forgot. I almost survived the half of the 64 days run. So far it was fun to do. It gave me an answer to the question if it was possible, if this was really happening. Though it might be summer, it is at least strange that not one person replies to a text …

AugustAug 3 Friday 07

[day 29] Rocketsience

Today was one of the most spectacular days in this 64 days countdown. I received authorisation from the major of Schaarbeek. That is the city where the rally will start. So we are still waiting for Brussels city, and the city of Sint-Gillis. Tuesdaymorning there will be …

JulyJul 30 Monday 07

[day 25 >> 28] We're on air

The official paperwork to allow the rally is almost done. The city of Schaarbeek (where the rally will start) and Brussels (where we walk trough) both gave a positive advice to their respective major, and now we await the political decision. The City of Sint-Gillis …

JulyJul 20 Friday 07

[day 15 >> 24] Translations

If you have the time and the courage, feel free to translate the press release below into your native language. You can send it to our general (and only) e-mail address: Thank you.

Meanwhile, lots of people are visiting this sites, in two …

JulyJul 19 Thursday 07

[day 14] A reason to convince someone else

Lot's of people call me, mail me, asking what this is all about. They are worried people, who do not understand the way their government is behaving. I hear a lot of people talking about the fact they went to vote last election in their countries, but actually didn't …

JulyJul 18 Wednesday 07

[day 13] No David Ray Griffin

I had a very positive meeting with the Brussels Police Department. They were really friendly and quite interested in our opinions. I'm still waiting for the approval from the mayor of Brussels. That should come any moment now.

Monday there will be a meeting with the …

JulyJul 15 Sunday 07

[day 09 >> 12] Send us your e-mail addresses

While e-mailing itself may be revolutionary, we will revolutionary use e-mail. Next week an enourmous amount of e-mails is to be sent to all members of parliament, secretaries, senators, ministers, press and media of every country in Europe. That are a lot of e-mails. …

JulyJul 14 Saturday 07

[day 08] On September 9th nothing will change unless you read this and join forces today

That's right.

I updated the site a bit, so lazy me can refer people more often to this site when replying e-mail, instead of typing everything over and over again.

That's it for today. The sun is shining. I was in Antwerp today, and I convinced two people to join …

JulyJul 13 Friday 07

[day 07] Wake up, stand up, sleep tight

While the pre-released press release on this site was viewed more than 100 times within a few hours, and while rising in Googles Page Rank System, one could ask the question, "Houston, are we as alone media and press want us to be?".

I believe that if you can get a …

JulyJul 12 Thursday 07

[day 06] The man with the voice

Yesterday a worker came to repair the roof. The guy talked about the strange weather and what 'they' all said about the climate change. He didn't believe all the stuff the politicians said. "They are using it to find more money", he said. "I do know what really causes …

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