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Posted on Aug 5, 2007

[day 31 >> 34] We can now count!

And we count for two! I just heard the news that there will be a United for Truth sister rally in Madrid on 9 september as well. 'Asociacion por la Verdad sobre el 11 de Septiembre' will focus on the truth about the 9/11 events. It will be organized with close cooperation with our organization. The rally will be held in the capital of Spain, Madrid, and will start around 2 P.M. on 9/9.

An interesting new feature on this website is our online counting system. This way we can see some useful statistics about how much protesters we need to foresee accommodation for, where they come from, how they get there. So tell your friends to get on the site and confirm their presence. We will be glad to hear it.

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© 2007 9/9 UNITED FOR TRUTH protest rally

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