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Posted on Aug 3, 2007

[day 29] Rocketsience

Today was one of the most spectacular days in this 64 days countdown. I received authorisation from the major of Schaarbeek. That is the city where the rally will start. So we are still waiting for Brussels city, and the city of Sint-Gillis. Tuesdaymorning there will be a meeting with all the public services of Brussels in order to get a timeline for the rally. After that I expect a positive answer from the Major of Brussels.
Furthermore, we had over 100 visitors today on this very website. Posters, flyers and web-ads are being added to the promotion section of this website. As more and more people are downloading them and putting them in public places in their neighborhood, I expect more and more translations to come in.
With good news comes bad news, they say. Noone from media or press and no politician reacted to the press-release. Though I was expecting it, it gives me a feeling of responsibility to make 9/9 be their particular nightmare for at least one night.
Please keep sending links of your organization's website, or let us know how you heard from us. In the 'Want to help' section you can now ask your membership to our International co-ordination group.
Take care and see you on 9/9!

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© 2007 9/9 UNITED FOR TRUTH protest rally

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