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Posted on Jul 13, 2007

[day 07] Wake up, stand up, sleep tight

While the pre-released press release on this site was viewed more than 100 times within a few hours, and while rising in Googles Page Rank System, one could ask the question, "Houston, are we as alone media and press want us to be?".

I believe that if you can get a 'conspiracy-theory' press release translated in so many languages in just a few days, so many visitors, hundreds of e-mails from all over the world, you have a lot of very concerned people out there. It is quite difficult to believe they all have psychological problems. Even if most of them have, there are still some healthy, and I it is better to listen to them before they spread their sick truth movement like a disease under your civilians.

How long this is going to take, we don't know. But what I see, every day, people are more and more aware of the fact 'something is wrong'. 'What you guys propose', they ask me. We offer you an alternative to your current future perspective. A future perspective many people share. One of making as much money as possible, so you will have a safe and beautiful future. We want to show you that is yet another lie, you were taught at school. Why? Because they didn't tell you were money comes from. What disasters it caused in the past. They just taught you about the disasters itself. Yes, you saw it always had something to do with money, and that's where you defined the word 'normal'. That's all they do at school right? Defining what is normal.

What should be defined as 'normal', is when people are forced - that is: not by force, but by money - to accept these lies and rules, they wake up. And most of you are doing that. Everyone can read between the rules. That's what you don't learn at school, but you really need it to survive in here. The problem is people just keep accepting every law, change of rules, that causes them to loose their freedoms.

The beautiful part of this is we are no longer conspiracy theorists, because it is no longer a theory. It is proven to be day-to-day reality.

Sleep tight.

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