Biasing Events??

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 07 Apr 1998 06:21:59 -0500

Hi Folks!

I don't know how many people here are into 'psychotronics' or as our
late friend and mentor Arthur Coleman used to call it, 'psychoceramics',
but here is something you can try for yourself.

Cut me some slack here and don't judge it until you've tried it.

Over the years, when I need to arrange a nudge to make something happen
that is borderline or 'not likely', I use an open frame wooden pyramid
about 15" on a side and about 18" high, made of wooden dowel rods
hotglued together. (I can get you the dimensions if you want, basically

I have used this to 'remove' people who were problems, nothing negative,
just that they leave, circumstances change in their lives, etc...and for
various personal acquisitions...<g>...success rate averages about 80%
depending on nature and scope of intent.

I write down what I want to happen, visualizing only the end result,
while writing, not specifying details of how I want it to happen, and
place it on a support so that it sits in the middle of the pyramid,
1/3rd the height up from the base.

Usually within 3 weeks to 6 months, the event happens, sometimes in
surprising ways but the end result is usually very close if not exactly
what I wanted.

Ok, I'm gonna be open with you about this because it is quite
interesting and you should be able to use it for yourself. In my recent
job search, I sent out about 38 resumes, resulting in about 12 calls and
two interviews, from mid-February to mid-March (about 4 weeks). I was
becoming concerned so decided to try an accelerated bias experiment.

I used two microwave disc magnets that Wes Crosiar sent me, very
powerful, skewing a video or TV frame from about 2 feet away. I just
wrote down something like, 'I see myself in a secure, pleasant
job'...and placed it between the two magnets in attractive mode and 1/3
high in the open wood pyramid.

Exactly two days later, I got a call for a Thursday interview, went to
the interview, was sent directly to the job site and was hired within
about 2 hours of the initial interview, started work the next day and
have been working since.

What is odd, I forgot to remove the magnets and paper and I have
received hits from about 20 companies since putting the magnets on. So
I took them off, removed the 'intent' paper and now have them on a
similar project that might yield an amazing result since most of the
conditions have been met...

Anyway, you should give this a try and see if it works for was
so bizarre that after a month of searching, that two days after
application of the magnets, I got my end result. Hadn't used magnets
before, but will in future experiments.

Please report back with as much detail as you can provide if you try is cheap and easy...remember, DON'T SPECIFY the steps you
foresee as being needed to make the event happen....just specify the end
result as you want it to be....let 'nature' decide on how best ot
achieve it.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187