Re: Biasing Events??

Robert Keddie ( )
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 14:11:59 -0400

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> What stops it is thinking about it afterwards, especially in a
> negative
> manner ('this will never happen..') or trying to 'force the pace' of
> events by retrying the original request.

My 2 cents:
1. Did u ever think of someone that u havent talked to for a long time
or seen and within a few days or a week they come out of nowhere and
give you a call? Now i have had this happen alot..but it would be a
passing flash thot and i wouldnt think anymore on it or
even place any desire or intention on it..but what if I did dwell on it
and desired the person to come or call..would it have happened?

2.I notice also that whenever i say that will "never " happen or ill
"Never" do that..i find it im doin it or i find the situation that i
denied ever to happen (and really believing it) take my
own life that is. Its almost like when u say never...the Powers that be
say "Oh yeah..lets see about that". Also, you know how they say that
when you stop looking for that soulmate or girlfriend, wife ..thats when
ull meet her? Its almost like u have to show the powers that be that u
really believe what you say ...

3. I have heard of plenty of stories of people desiring to die a certain
way..and it comes to in the exact manner.
