Re: Biasing Events??

Bob Aldrich ( )
Wed, 08 Apr 1998 23:01:38 -0700

This business of biasing events is balderdash. YOU are cause of your own
life, your own perceptions.

You are primary cause. You CAN convince yourself to do something and
bring it about, by pulling in a source of prediction of future events
with some altitude compared to yourself. People go to fortune tellers
with this in mind, the fortune teller "looks" at the person's mental
image pictures (and actually, most people can do this, and do it
everyday, like when you know what someone is about to say) and says what
the person wants to hear. The person then goes out and causes that to
happen and then attributes the cause to the fortune teller. The fortune
teller "knew" the future. Ha! YOU did it. YOU are fate. Unfortunate but
true! Get over it!

The fortune teller just saw what the client wanted, and said it out
loud. Nothing wrong with this really. It's just a roundabout way of
getting something done! Quite workable if you do the whole drill

But why not just go out and DO it yourself and give yourself the credit?

For instance, you could say that Free Energy would finally be perfected
and released to the world and for all to have for free, and if you did
this with enough intention you could make it actually come about!

The idea of sandwiching in some kind of intention (in writing) between
magnets or something is just a roundabout way of convincing yourself
that you ought to do something and mean business.. why not just go out
and DO it, like the Nike ad says?

Or maybe its more fun to sandwich it between magnets! Great! Have at it!
Whatever works!

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles