Re: Biasing Events??

Norman Wootan ( )
Wed, 08 Apr 1998 20:56:58 -0500

Hi! Gerald: Good to hear from you again. Looks like the old Keelynet BBS
group may get back together for a re-union. If Jerry could have some sort
of Conference here in Dallas that would be great. Hint-hint! See ya on
the net. Norm

Gerald O'Docharty wrote:

> HA!
> You've been using an age old mystical technique! This is in fact a well
> known method for causing events, or manifestations to order themselves
> along the lines of your goals. In the orient they write their message on
> a piece of paper and burn it. The message goes up in smoke, and they
> wait for it to be fulfilled. Sometimes they create a model and burn
> that.
> I doubt your pyramid or magnets had much to do with the effectiveness
> other than for symbolic purposes for you. Though there may have been
> some energetic contribution from them it is minor compared to the major
> principles really at work.
> Here are all the basic steps you need to be perfectly effective:
> 1) Define your goal. This usually means you have to think about what you
> specifically want. Often you will need to visualize the end result. You
> see the hiring manager shaking your hand and saying "you've got the job"
> for example. Writing your goal on paper makes you articulate it in a way
> that indicates a definite outcome.
> 2) Believe in your goal. If you don't believe that what you want is
> possible, that very disbelief is a strong force in preventing it. You
> can't just pretend to beleive it, you really have to almost consider it
> a matter of fact. Whatever technique you have used in the past, the more
> success you had with it, the more 'confidence' you have that the desired
> goal will be attained. If what you want is outside of natural law, you
> won't beleive it either.
> 3) It must be for 'good'. At the very least you must truly believe so.
> The natural media will not sustain destructive or 'dissonant'
> intentions. Such will never go significantly beyond your immediate self.
> You yourself will not fully permit it, neither will the group
> consiousness sustain it. Moreover, if it be for the 'greater good', that
> is benefitting other beside yourself, then it will find greater
> 'resonance' in the natural medium.
> 4) Do not attempt to define each step that must occur leading up to the
> desired end result. You wouldn't be doing this if you weren't expecting
> help from some 'external' agent, so attempting to constrain that which
> is more effective than yourself will only impede the result. Because the
> goal will be attained through process of natural law, there may be a
> very convoluted sequence of events that may occur to most readily
> facilitate it. You couldn't possibly visualize every contigency and
> synchronism. Things aren't going to just 'POOF' manifest before you in a
> puff of smoke and flash of light. It will happen in the most natural
> every-day believeable way, except that, it will be what YOU wanted.
> 5) Let it go. Forget about it. Don't constantly dwell or worry about
> whether something is going to happen. You have a message to release into
> the 'ether'. Its like writing a letter and dropping it in the mailbox.
> If the postman can't get it out of your hand it will never get to its
> destination. Visualise that the message is being transported or
> 'impressed' into the ether to be worked on. In the oriental method the
> image of the burning message going 'up' in smoke serves this purpose.
> Prayer candles also are effective for this reason. Have confidence that
> your request is in capable hands. Of course you will come back to think
> about it on occasion, but at least you have given the message the chance
> to 'work' for a while.
> 6) Be ready to get what you asked for! This should be obvious, but it
> happens too often that people don't really know what they want or don't
> think about the consequenses when they actually get it. Be ready to take
> advantage of intermediate results that lead to the end result. Modify
> the goals as necessary to continue progress toward a greater or complex
> goal.
> Jerry, you have used virtually every one of these steps in your pyramid
> trick. THAT's why it seems to work for you.
> This method is extremely powerful and with use and practice becomes yet
> more powerful. Of course the adeptness of the practitioner is certainly
> a factor in consistently getting results or in the magnitude or
> directness of the manifestation. Being conscious of the method means we
> can be sure not to skip any steps. I couldn't begin to recount to you
> how oten I have used it and how successful it has been. I have scared
> myself with demonstrations of how effective it is. This is not New Age
> mumbo-jumbo, its ancient and time proven fact but not widely taught. The
> physics or metaphysics of it are known and understood, but by few.
> No, I can't use it to win you the lottery. To acertain step number 3) I
> use a technique whereby I 'consult' with those who, shall we say, are
> 'in authority', to get 'approval' as it were. When I bring up your
> lottery idea I get laughed out of the place, thrown out is more like it!
> Maybe you'll have better luck at it than me.
> Cheers,
> -Gerald (gramps) O'