Re: Biasing Events??

Ian Webb ( (no email) )
Sun, 12 Apr 1998 16:37:11 +0000

> 1. Did u ever think of someone that u havent talked to for a long time
> or seen and within a few days or a week they come out of nowhere and
> give you a call? Now i have had this happen alot..but it would be a
> passing flash thot and i wouldnt think anymore on it or
> even place any desire or intention on it..but what if I did dwell on it
> and desired the person to come or call..would it have happened?
> 2.I notice also that whenever i say that will "never " happen or ill
> "Never" do that..i find it im doin it or i find the situation that i
> denied ever to happen (and really believing it) take my
> own life that is. Its almost like when u say never...the Powers that be
> say "Oh yeah..lets see about that". Also, you know how they say that
> when you stop looking for that soulmate or girlfriend, wife ..thats when
> ull meet her? Its almost like u have to show the powers that be that u
> really believe what you say ...
> 3. I have heard of plenty of stories of people desiring to die a certain
> way..and it comes to in the exact manner.

In my life at least, these things happen well within the bounds of random
chance.. would be interesting to keep a log and determine a 'success rate' for
willing a result, then see if that rate differed to a statistically
signifigant extent from chance. Perhaps there is an effect i'm missing, seems
that it works to an extent beyond chance for many people.