Re: Biasing Events??

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Wed, 8 Apr 1998 18:05:29 +1200

Hi Jerry et al!

Note: I am NOT going New Agey, I am just a simple researcher.

Talking about pyramids and magnets, etc... When you use magnets, just line
up one side with one of the poles of the magnet. Works just the same as
aligning it to Earth's magnetic poles. May depend on "magnet size «»
pyramid size".

IMHO all the magnets do is increase the amount of aether around the
pyramid, the pyramid being one type of "aether aerial" may mean more
aether, or type of aether...don't know yet.

When talking about biasing events I have to say that I have heard too much
on this to dismiss it...nothing is impossible. HOW it happens I will have
to work on, but I'll have to get back to you on that one.

Personally, I am in no hurry to know...have to have something "mysterious"
in our lives...for the moment at least anyway.