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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Where are all the black holes?

In a recent EurekaAlert press release:

European and American scientists, on a quest to find super-massive black
holes hiding in nearby galaxies, have found surprisingly few. Either the black
holes are better hidden than scientists realised or they are lurking only in the
more distant universe.

Of course, an obvious explanation could be that super massive black holes do not exist. According to the Aether Physics Model, black holes are implosion events. Matter becomes so dense that it collapses a region of the Aether (space-time). But as the Aether collapses, all the matter is converted from visible matter to dark matter, since the space-time structure has been destroyed. Thus black holes should only exist for as long as it takes for the collapse to take place (minutes, hours at most).

The concept of an ever growing black hole is reminiscent of the movie, The Blob. Probably the concept has caused many people to have nightmares in their sleep. The good news is that not only do black holes have a short life time, there is ample evidence that this is true.

According to the APM, the reason galaxies spiral inward is because matter is constantly collapsing a the most dense location, which is the center. As the Aether collapses in the center of the galaxy, surrounding Aether flows in to replace it, thus bringing more matter close together at the center. The effect is like having a drain in a bathtub. Visible matter is draining out of the visible Universe and returning to the sea of dark matter.

But don't worry about the galaxy running dry of visible matter. Visible matter is created all throughout the galaxy all the time, via the Casimir effect. The so-called "virtual" photons are not virtual at all, but real matter being created by converting dark matter to visible matter. New quantum Aether units are created at the same time.

Thus a galaxy spins because visible matter is draining out the center and being created in the outer regions, just like someone filling a bathtub with the drain plug removed.


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