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Monday, June 12, 2006

Evidence for APM Photon Quantification

In the May 31, 2006 issue of New Scientist is an article titled, "Solar power - Seriously souped up." In this article, writer Herb Brody explains:
When an electron in a semiconducting material becomes free to move about and
conduct current, it leaves behind a vacant site in the crystal, called a hole;
the electron-hole pair is called an exciton.

The exciton in the Aether Physics Model is the Aether (hole) and quantum angular momentum (electron in this case) pair. He goes on to explain:
The amount of photon energy needed to create an exciton in a particular material
is called the band gap
In the Standard Model, the photon is said to be a packet of electromagnetic energy.
Each of these packets of electromagnetic energy, no matter how potent, can still
liberate only one electron. Anything left over will dribble away as heat and
contribute exactly zero to the device's electrical output.

In the Aether Physics Model, we take exception to this type of terminology. A photon is supposed to be the quantum of light. But in the SM, the packet of electromagnetic radiation has a different magnitude for each frequency of light, therefore there are an infinite number of photon "sizes." This contradicts the meaning of "quantum."

In the APM, the photon is quantified precisely as a quantum of electromagnetic radiation equal to the angular momentum of the electron (Planck's constant) times the speed of light:
phtn = h * c

Further, light is quantified as the frequency at which these quantum photons are produced:
ligt = phtn * freq

Thus when the light reaches its target and is absorbed, its velocity component is removed and we get:

ligt/c = enrg

The energy in the equation above is the so-called "energy packet" of the SM. It can be clearly seen that the photon is not equal to the energy packet, they are two completely different concepts. Thus, when theory states that a single photon (energy packet) can produce multiple electrons, this is providing evidence for the APM view of photons. With regard to the SM view of photons, the article states:
How the multiple excitons are produced remains a bit of a mystery. According to
Klimov, when an energetic photon strikes the material, the electron jumps to
what he calls a "virtual" state in which it has actually gained more energy than
was carried by the photon; this seeming contradiction is permitted because the
virtual state lasts for such a brief time. The hyper-excited electron will
transfer some of its energy to another, unexcited electron essentially by
bumping into it. The result: two energised electrons from a single photon.

Typical of the SM, when something isn't understood it is called a "mystery" and is explained in terms of "virtual" physics. In this case, the virtual physics is a "virtual state." When the Casimir effect is explained by others, it is done by inventing a "virtual photon." Once could literally say that the Standard Model of physics "virtually exists." but the Aether Physics Model is completely discrete. In the APM, all physical structures are precisely quantified, and therefore all the physical processes can be understood in terms of discrete movements.

Explained from the perspective of the APM, photons are arriving at a target atom at a given frequency. Only portions of the angular momentum of each photon are absorbed, depending on the distance and magnitude of the photon source. Thus a given "wave packet," which is really a quantity of angular momentum per a given time, has within it (depending upon frequency) more or less angular momentum than a single electron. Thus high frequency wave packets will have more angular momentum than a single electron and may produce more than one electron per wave packet.

The observation that more than one electron can be produced from a high frequency light source is physical evidence strongly supporting the Aether Physics Model interpretation of photons. The APM provides a discrete explanation for the observations of Schaller and Klimov without resorting to mysteries, virtual physics, or any other type of non-sense.


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