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Secrets of the Aether

Secrets of the Aether updates. My latest theories and thoughts concerning quantum physics and consciousness.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Voyager Evidence of the Existence of Aether

In a recent press release from Binary Research Institute:

"The heliosphere, generated by the Sun, is sort of the cocoon in which the solar system rides. It has been suspected for several years that it is not spherical but more egg shaped. Voyager 1 recently reached one edge and it is estimated it will pass into interstellar space at about 12.4 billion miles from the Sun. It was recently announced that Voyager 2 has reached its more southerly edge, sooner than expected. It is now believed it will reach interstellar space at about 10.5 billion miles. This reveals that the heliosphere is not a sphere after all, but is more of a comet shape.
"According to Cal Tech's Ed Stone, the former director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and a Voyager chief scientist, the shape of the bubble is determined by what is pressing on the solar system from the outside, meaning the shape and force of interstellar gases. "

Magnetic fields on Earth are not affected by the atomosphere, why would magnetic fields in space be affected by sparsely dispersed gas molecules? The only thing that affects a magnetic field is another magnetic field. Only if the interstellar gases were all magnetically aligned could they produce a net magnetic field that would interfere with the Sun's magnetic field.

"That is one explanation. Another put forth by Walter Cruttenden of the Binary
Research Institute is that local gases are fairly uniform and the shape derives
from the trajectory of the solar system through local space..."

The interstellar gases are anything but uniform, at least according to NASA.

The variation in the distance of the leading edge of the Sun's heliosphere is 15% between the two Voyager space probes. That's not the kind of change possible from a few widely scattered gas molecules.

The presence or non-presence of interstellar gases is completely irrelevant to the shape of the Sun's heliosphere (Aether fabric). The most logical explanation is that the Aether (magnetic field) associated with the solar system (namely that of the Sun) is moving through the Aether associated with our galaxy. The Voyager probes are sending us further evidence for the existence of the Aether.


At 6/05/2006 12:57:00 PM, Would you like some math with that? said...

Moving charged particles can generate a magnetic field. If the gas particles are ionized...Do the math...


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