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Secrets of the Aether

Secrets of the Aether updates. My latest theories and thoughts concerning quantum physics and consciousness.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Denied by New Journal of Physics

I received the following response from Sarah Towell with New Journal of Physics. She flatly denied the paper for publication, but would not state specifically why. I have emailed Sarah asking for a more direct explanation as to what she meant by "this type of article."


1 September 2005
Dear Dr Thomson
TITLE: A new foundation of
AUTHORS: Dr David W Thomson et al

Thank you for your submission to New Journal of Physics. However, we do
not publish this type of article in any of our journals and so we are unable to
consider your article further.
Thank you for considering New Journal of

Yours sincerely

Sarah Towell
Senior Publishing Administrator
New Journal of
E-mail: njp@iop.org


At 6/18/2006 06:32:00 PM, c-cubed said...

Your work is contaminated by pholosophical bias and strange terminology and new four-letter words. She means not purely scientifically based. But nonetheless you are correct; the aether exists to fill the vacuum. Where conventional cosmology has more vacuum pressure, this is flipped in polarity to greater aether pressure. Your aether quantum relates to mass, matter and distance (thus to time via c) but is not yet the graviton. I have mathematical evidence that there is a further mathematical operation that is performed by Nature to arrive at the gravitonic structure of the aether with its conductivity to radiation.


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