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Please always check the news section
Last update 13th October 2008

Telesio Galilei: Video Clip.

The Universe of Myron Evans; 1 (2min)

The Universe of Myron Evans; 2 (2min)

Santilli - Galilei Gold Medal Award Ceremony Part 1, 2 & 3

Santilli Galillei Academy Awards 2008 Part 1

Santilli Galilei Academy Awards 2008 Part 2
Santilli Galilei Academy Awards 2008 Part 3


Santilli- Galilei: Gold Medal Award Ceremony July 2008

Celebrating The Birth of the 21st Century Renaissance Science
with the Telesio-Galilei-Einstein Academies of Science

The Telesio - Galilei Association
Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0XZ UK

Tel. +44(0)2087811808; Contact Francesco Fucilla; +44 (0)7894262399 or Email info@telesio-galilei.com