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In response to Dererummundi Blog article

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Dear Sirs, You have no idea of what you are talking about!
Before writing article dealing with science, one should do serious research on the subject.
The science of Santilli and Myron Evans are a monument to mankind search for truth.
Indeed, the world has never had greater Physicists and Mathematicians (and the people that have used you as bate knows these fact very well!). The great scientists that are members of the Santilli - Galilei Association are among the very best.
The letter to the Nobel prize foundation requesting the Nobel for Mathematics to be given to Santilli, was made in full knowledge that there is no such prize, and in solidarity to the great contribution in pure Mathematics made by Santilli, ie, a sollecitation for a prize in Mathematics.
Its obvious that you have no idea of what Santilli Galilei Foundation it's all about.
Since the Nobel is given to people like Dario Fo, and Arafat for reasons that YOU MAY NEVER KNOW, you should ask yourself why such letter was send out by Dr Marafioti.
The Santilli Galilei and AIAS represent the foundation to the protection of TRUE SCIENCE.
Please read the published work by Santilli and Evans no doubt you would agree a great DEMISE of present Quantum and Relativistic Physics.
See our published material on www.santilli-galilei.com and www.aias.us.
I challenge you, to find us a single living scientist to disprove Santilli's Hadronic science or to challenge ECE listed inconsistancies with the present ongoing dogmatic "model".
If you or anyone do, you will get a "MILLION DOLLARS FROM OUR FOUNDATION".
Hope you will have the decency to publish this letter on your news papers.
Going back to the real issues, if you did your home work, you would soon realised that you up against the greatest conspiracy since the Spanish Inquisition.
Presence Quantum and Relativistic theories ARE ALL CATASTROPHYCALLY WRONG!
The tragedy is that (unknown to you) every PHYSICISTS today are aware of these facts.
Similarly, (unknown to you), you were used as bate by the WIKIPEDIAN FRIENDS that represent today the greatest medium for the proliferation of scientific obscurantism.
I can prove to you that all that its written about Santilli in Wikipedia and Evans it's FALSE!
Santilli and Evans are among the greatest Physicist and Mathematician of all times.
Unfortunately for you, you have ridiculed yourself historically.
Your letter shows clearly that you have no idea on what is going on out there.
In my opinion, you are an illiterate individual with no scientific background whatsoever to qualify in the writing of such sensitive articles.
As to Dr Croca, I can say that Portugal should be celebrating his birth with a public holiday.
Dr Croca is one of the great sons of Portugal.
Finally, I note that the newspapers attacks on Santilli - Galilei are taking place in Portugal.
Could it be that the reason for that may be found in the very fact that Santilli - Galilei its highly followed in Portugal?

Dr Carlo Marafioti

The Telesio - Galilei Association
Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0XZ UK

Tel. +44-789-426-2399; Tel. +44(0)2087811808; Email info@telesio-galilei.com