Re: Heart attacks & blood flow

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 17 Sep 1999 20:32:57 -0500

Hi Ludo et al!

Glad to hear you are in swimming health...<g>...KeelyNet has ALWAYS been
about 3 things energy, gravity control and
electronic/alternative was prominently posted on the BBS
and on the new logo...though ideally with an emphasis on electronics
such as the Lakhovsky Multiwave using multi frequency electrostatic
energy, Rife and vibrational approaches, light, magnetics, etc...

That is so true about if you've got your health, you can get anything

I like your recipe, it makes sense where you wrote;

> My recipe: no animal fat, meat if nothing else available, no sugar,
> one glass of wine per day.

I think this new test that was recently made with grape juice is
excellent....the French have long eaten all kinds of fat rich foods and
sauces, yet heart attacks in France are rare and are nothing compared to
the states....the main difference is they imbibe wine more than we
do...I'm sure a wino would love this argument..<g>...but hey, if it
keeps you healthy, go for it...

It would be fantastic if we could figure out how to sustain the body
simply from energy....some of the 'breatharian's' claim to sustain
themselves only from breathing air in a certain way...I don't have much
confidence in that method but there have been some tests done that seem
to back it up.

This inert gas business where one or more inert gases are pressurized in
a copper tube on the assumption that inert gases are the gateway for
energy into this dimension from 'hyperspace' has always intrigued me
since it ties in with the claims of zero point energy that takes the
form of momentary appearances of energy that just as quickly disappear
to somewhere.

He (Maurice Cooke aka Hilarion) claims you can SEE this energy by
standing on a hill and looking upward into the sky, that you will see
tiny sparkling energy that looks like fine glitter...that could be blood
pressure too...

This appearance of energy through the inert gas might be what produces
the displacement that is referred to as the zero point FIELD (zpf) which
is the basis for the Casimir effect.

Perhaps breathing in more of these inert gases would suffuse the body
with extra energy that could assist it in healing or even
rejuvenation??? This is of course, pure speculation and I have to admit
I have handled several types of these inert gas tubes and never felt a
thing when aiming the so-called beam at my hand...though others claim to
feel tingles, a cooling wind type of effect or in one case, heat.

There should be a way to quantify this as a voltmeter type
measurement...just a matter of a transducer to convert the energy to a
form that can be calibrated as volts, amps, frequency, etc. and the
deviations measured from a fixed reference.

I'm not trying to setup a pattern on the list where we are deluged with
much of what is available elsewhere on sites specifically devoted to
health and diet, but I've never seen the Pauling Lysine/ascorbic acid
anywhere else since it was told to me by a close friend who is writing a
book that should shake some trees, though the grape report is recent and
in the news...

Not sure what is going on with free energy and gravity control these
days with NO reports lately that I've seen anywhere but its probably a
GOOD THING...I say that only because maybe that means the con artists
are finally getting the point that people are just tired of all the
fantasy and lies...

What I would love to see is the closing down of the websites that are
selling plans and claiming they work (due to lack of sales).

Any fool with a brain stem should realize the plans don't work else we
would be up to our necks in prototypes from all over the world...from
time travel to free energy, there are gullible people everywhere who
sustain these frauds.

That includes the scam hook of offering free plans laced with offers to
buy a CD, book with more details, parts, or custom assemblies that of
course when assembled don't work.

I've seen one of these stating the need for a professional machinist and
the claim that it would cost several hundreds or even thousands to
duplicate the 'free energy machine' just have me rolling in the floor best to make the reader look like an incompetent fool
after spending all that money and still can't make it work...well, DUH,
it never worked in the first place....

I think most just don't want to admit they've been had or maybe are
led to believe they don't have enough sense to duplicate this...BS..

Well, I'll get off my soapbox...yep, KeelyNet IS about alt/electronic
Health as well as free energy and gravity control. The reason is they
are correlate.

How? Because I think gravity is caused by aether/zpe influx into matter
which produces time. Time clocks manifestation through precipitation of
aether into matter and thus AGING and eventual death.

So by learning to control aether influx, we could not only control the
'weight' of the mass but also the speed of aging of mass....

If it turns out that this aether influx has wave properties (which I
believe it must), then these waves can be phase conjugated to
enharmonically slow or weaken them, to harmonically speed them up or
strengthen them or to STOP them using a 180 phase shifted signal.

Of course with health and rejuvenation, there are other factors that
come into play but all is superceded by aging...which in my opinion is
primarily due to aether/zpe influx into mass...

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187