Re: Paper Doctor

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 17 Sep 1999 20:58:24 -0500

Hi Folks!

I finally received an answer from Don Gerrard as to the status of the
Paper Doctor and if we could have permission to post it on KeelyNet,
here is his letter and my reply;

Subject: Re: Status of Paper Doctor
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 21:15:26 EDT

Dear Jerry Wayne Decker

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the Paper Doctor. That book was
by me after 15 years of research. I published it in 1991 and it went out
print a couple of years later due to harrassment by authorities in
Texas, and
other states. I am at work on a new edition, but it will not be publicly

I am convinced that - after sufficient testing - that downloaded
will reproduce inaccurately and give indifferent results. Therefore,
Doctor patterns will not appear on the Net.

I had "johnny feel good" remove the Paper Doctor from his web site
because he
had posted it there without my permission. I own the registered
copyright to
this book and will act to protect it. In fact, the law is very clear. If
post another person's work on a website without their permission, you
can be

Thank you for your interest but at this time I authorize no one to post
portion of The Paper Doctor on any website.

Be well!

Hi Don!

Thank you very much for clearing that up...that's why I wanted to
contact you directly....

Please let me know when you get your new book done, I would gladly post
a page on it, directing people where to buy it...its just too well
done..<g>...I wish you could go into more detail on how to determine
your own I understand it, you use a pendulum that is
deflected a certain amount away from a center point on a grid??

I have long been a fan of Malcolm Rae, preceded by George Abrams, George
DeLaWarr, Peter Kelly who is a friend of mine and I knew the late Dr.
T.G. Hieronymous and Sarah, though I've not see Sarah in about 5 years
now...I visited their home in Georgia after Dr. G died and went up the
mountain to visit Peter and Marianne (who recently passed away).

With regard to Malcolm Rae, we calculated the frequencies for deuterium
oxide (heavy water) and sent it off to the Malcolm Rae group in England
asking them to make a 180 degree phase conjugated pattern for it...they
sent back one of those circular patterns based on our numbers....the
idea is to cancel heavy water accumulations in food and fluids before appears heavy water has a great deal to do with aging and
might well be the cause of spontaneous human combustion...

Thanks again for your candid response...I really admire the book as do
many on the KeelyNet discussion list so I will pass your comments
on...good luck and do let us know when you get a new edition...

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187