Re: Heart attacks & blood flow

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 18:05:29 -0400

>He (Maurice Cooke aka Hilarion) claims you can SEE this energy by
>standing on a hill and looking upward into the sky, that you will see
>tiny sparkling energy that looks like fine glitter...that could be blood
>pressure too...

Sounds like the same claim the Reichians make. I've seen the phenomenon, or a
phenomenon I believe to be the one they're talking about, and no matter how much
I try, I can't quite convince myself that it's blood flow in my eyes! I keep
trying to move my eyes while keeping the dots in focus, and the dots keep moving
with respect to the background and not my eye movements, inasmuch as they stay
visible long enough to track. I don't know whether blood cells moving in the
retina would provide that effect. I've tried moving my head while keeping my
eyes straight ahead with respect to my head, but it's difficult.

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