Re: False Hopes due to Liars and Scamsters!

Dwayne Phillips ( (no email) )
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 18:44:43 -0800

Hi all-

Hey Jerry haven't visited for awhile. Always a joy to see what the Vanguard
Sciences are up to... the best of course.

First let me state my condolences for the family who lost a child. I have 5
of my own. I can't imagine what it would be like. My sister lost her 13 year
old son in a car crash. As hard as that was, I still can't fathom losing one
of my own.

I can't argue with most here. My theoretical and practical knowledge of time
travel is nil I would like to present a different approach to such
unfortunate events and how to avoid them.

1. Prayer
I'm a Catholic, and I don't pray regularly. However I have felt the power of
pray and understand its nature more today than ever before.

Now before any argues with me the semantics of this and of that, biblically
speaking I'd rather put another twist on it. There have been clinical
studies that show plants that have been prayed for significantly
perform/grow fast and more robust than those who do not. This is a focus or
awareness which I think is KEY to the point I am attempting to make.

2. Desire
Just as we desire to get up and get a drink of water, we can desire the well
being of friends and family. After all every action is preceded by a
thought, or desire. Isn't this the very problem scientist have had studying
Quarks. Just when they think they can pin point it, they now believe it is
there desire to find them that makes them aloof to such to

3. Ordered Chaos
I believe this is the key to God's madness Just like a train station viewed
from above looks completely chaotic. Once a announcement of a train arrival
from one gate to another, this chaos then begins to seem to have a pattern.
In other words, God's the super computer. He can calculate the overcome and
any one event.


I believe we can govern future events. No not by time travel...what ever
that really means. Wait, yes by time travel...We ask God through prayer, or
by spoken desire to protect our loved ones. I would dispute it is as easy as
that...Why? how often do we put such thoughts and desires out there to the
universe on a regular basis. And more importantly, project these desires on
the ones they come in contact to...

If I decide to take an airplane trip next Friday, think of all the countless
decisions numerous people I will directly and indirectly come in contact
will effect that flight. From the mechanic who may be tired when reviewing
the engines, to the pilot who has been flying non-stop for 2 days.

We've all been in situations of extreme stress and fatigue. But have you
never felt a sense of over-whelming strength to guide you through such a
task. I have and I believe it is the desire or prayers of others who ar
thinking about me that have given me that extra edge.

How can I equate this...I can't, but as I mentioned before God can. We may
not always get the desired result, but he ALWAYS offers a solution. In other
words he can put everyone on alert to do their best one last time. Or make
15 million out 16 million decisions good ones.

But in those times where the desired result is requested desire, such as
Wishing for a safe flight...He can do one better. He can instinctively let
us know through intuition that this flight is one we should avoid. We have
all heard the stories of such encounters. I would be curious to know how
many people on a doomed jet felt the same way, but denied the warning. Can
you imagine 40 people out of 50 having the same bad feeling, but denying it.

I agree, do not buy the hopes of an oil salesman who only purposes is to
exploit the emotions of those who DESIRE a different result. I strongly urge
everyone to put there best foot forward and pay attention to and desire of
the universe/God.

The answer is out there.


P.S. Jerry may have papers on these very topics.