RE: False Hopes due to Liars and Scamsters!

Bill McMurtry ( )
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:33:59 +1000

Hi Russell & all,

IMO, you (and Jerry) are correct in your assessment and approach. There are
literally hundreds of claims out there, some are outright cons and some are
genuine mistakes - non of them can be backed up with a single
demonstratable, independant, undeniable proof.

Given this situation, it's difficult to assess whether or not our goal is
even remotely attainable - we have no firm data to support our hopes and
intuition. All it would take would be a single repeatable demonstration to
turn the situation around. Obviously there isn't one and until there is, it
seems we are consigned to live in a fools paradise where BS rules supreme.

There's a jungle of preditors out there, they just love it when we
mindlessly bend over and grab our ankles on cue <g>. IMO, our best
protection is simple - insist that a claimant DEMONSTRATE proof - nothing
less should do. Real simple.

Regards, Bill.