False Hopes due to Liars and Scamsters!

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 11 Sep 1999 15:24:41 -0500

Hi Folks!

As an indication of the damage that can be done by promoting lies and
untruths that aren't based in reality, I received the following email;

> Please visit my site
> http://www.geocities.com/Researchtriangle/forum/9432
> I am desperate, please help

I am sorry to hear about the death of your son through misdiagnosis,
unfortunately, it has happened to others many times over due to human

In my opinion, rather than buying into the bogus claims of time travel
promoted by some, the way to minimize future losses due to human
misdiagnosis is to develop new techniques that don't rely on human
judgement and where several diagnostic tests back each other to confirm
the diagnosis.

Regarding the actuality of time travel, it simply does not exit despite
what many CLAIM or try to get you to believe. These people generally
have plans or want to give lectures simply for money. The plans are
bogus and never work when built.

I try to keep abreast of such matters and the simple logic is, if they
truly had a means to travel through time, they could easily predict the
lotto numbers and make all the money they could ever need, rather than
having to sell plans which they know are fake.

The same applies to free energy or antigravity 'plans'...think about
it...if any of it REALLY worked, wouldn't we see these devices in
operation EVERYWHERE?

I sympathize with the loss of your child but this approach of seeking a
time traveller to prevent the accident based on the erroneous claims of
time travel buffs and con artists will do you more harm than good,
providing false hopes that will never manifest.

In my opinion and to the extent of my knowledge of the subject, this
invites people who will try to capitalize on your grief and hopes.

Unfortunately, it is done and past, no technology I am aware of will
allow anyone to move through time in either direction. Lots of theory
but no FACT.

My condolences on your loss, but in my honest opinion, it is done, it is
past, it is not recoverable and closure would do you far more good than
dwelling on the past which in REALITY cannot be practically changed to
the best of my knowledge. I and some of my friends suffered the loss of
a very dear friend, not a child, but very close nonetheless, it was a
difficult time, but we have reconciled with the reality of nature as we
currently understand it. I'm an agnostic so blessing would mean nothing
from me, however, I can extend my best wishes towards resolving this
unfortunate chapter in your life.
Yes, it can't hurt to ask, who knows, maybe that dilemman has been
conquered in the future...I get emails periodically from people claiming
to be time travellers but when I ask them for a test or proof, they call
me names and break off contact...<g>....

The point here is we need to stick with what is real as people in
desparate need could mislead themselves and pin their lives on such
false hopes that aren't borne out in technology.

And that is yet another reason why it is important to stick with truth
and deamnds of proof from those many scamsters who sell plans and make
claims that are never proven.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com         http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187