Tapping the Casimir force

Terry Bastian ( tbastian@dmv.com )
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 19:27:16 -0400

Here is a thought about this varying Casimir force....

It seems to be a physical mechanical force with a frequency...... At what
frequency does this device recieve??

You could take your ceramic plates and mount them to a tuning fork, (1
plate per tong) the tuning fork designed to oscilate at the above
frequency. The fork should spontaniously start oscilating being there is
an continous imput of energy at its resonant frequency, and this oscilation
should increase as long as the energy being recieved by the plates is
greater than the tuning forks total friction,(place in a vacume to reduce
friction). A circiut similar to a magnetic driver circuit can be attached
to the tuning fork but instead of driving the fork, it can generate energy
from the forks oscilation and be sent to a lod of your choice.

This came as a thought on how could I put this Casimir force to work with
technology of the 1890's and Keely.

Terry Bastian