Production & Ejection of Ball Lightning

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 01:24:05 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following is a possible way to produce ball lighting using the
toroidal air projector technique developed as the 'wind cannon' by the
Germans during WWII.
> - Tesla - Anyone get Ball lightning working a la Courum paper?

When I was a kid there was this toy that my brother and I had. Basically
it was a large air gun with an opening on one end about 4 inches across.
By pumping it up, it could be fired and would throw out a spinning
vortex ball of air that would travel a good 30 to 40 feet. It would hit
you and literally explode - harmlessly of course. I've always thought of
trying to find one of these, put a water mister in the barrel and then a
high voltage arc into the tube.

Pump it up and see if one couldn't make a highly charged water vapor
laden plasma ball. Or a form or ball lightning. My bet is that
it would work.

Feel free to pass the message on . I hate to say it, but it was close to
40 years ago. I have no idea about how many years they were produced. As
I recall they were about 3' long and were all black. Looked sort of like
a bazooka. It was lots of fun having that air ball explode in your face!
Jerry W. Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
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