Re: Production & Ejection of Ball Lightning

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 19:12:15 -0500

Hi Folks!

With regards to the HERF website provided by Ian Webb;

Here are some interesting extracts from;

A typical herf gun is backpack sized, costs about $150 to build, and
puts out an incredible 16 Megawatts of pulse.

Mr. Schwartau then discussed Magnetic Weapon Systems, such as HERF guns.
He distributed a drawing of a 16 megawatt HERF gun that he contended
could take down systems up to 100 feet away.
The following is excerpted from;

HERF guns contain a high wattage signal generator and highly directional
antenna. Because of the directional capabilities of this weapon,
specific devices can be made to fail, possibly confusing any attempt to
troubleshoot the perceived problem. More devastating than a HERF gun is
an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device. This type of device, an EMP
transformer, "is designed to cause the electronic circuits, transistors,
chips, ICs, RAM etc.) to internally explode ... disabling the entire
computer" (Schwartau and Death 1991, 22). In addition, a potential
attacker could also "erase the contents of RAM chips, ROM, EPROM, and
hard disks, floppies and tape back ups" (Schwartau and Death 1991,
The police will even be using these devices to stop fleeing vehicles as
excerpted from the URL at;

The car stopper works by focusing an intense electromagnetic charge on
the electronic systems that manage most modern engines, disabling them
and paralysing the car. In the jargon of its inventors, the 150 kilovolt
charge is a nemp, or non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse. Contractors are
bidding to produce a police version.
As an aside, eavesdropping on your computer can be done by mirroring
your display, excerpted from;

One of the easier appliances to eavesdrop upon is a computer's CRT tube.
A computer monitor requires horizontal and vertical synchronization
signals in order to properly place a picture on the screen. In addition,
it also needs the signal that contains what should be painted on the
screen. The horizontal and vertical sync signals transmit on low
frequencies and they do not travel very far. However, the "video signals
broadcast from the computer are high frequency in nature and can travel
great distances just like a miniature radio transmitter" (Schwartau and
Death 1991, 19). All an EM eavesdropper must do is reconstruct the
horizontal and vertical sync signals and he/she can reproduce what is
being displayed on a victim's computer screen. The methods for restoring
these signals are widely published in magazines such as Radio
Electronics and by manufacturers of TV descrambling/enhancement units.
Totally weird article about using water mains to produce HERF effects to
punish companies who don't comply;

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187