Re: Production & Ejection of Ball Lightning

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 04:46:12 -0500

Hi Bill!

Your idea about self-reinforcing spins;
> take two vortex guns and aim them at each other
> and arrange them so the two vortexes would be
> spinning the same when fired, the resultant ring
> would be spinning twice as fast.

is reminscent of this WONDERFUL chapter called 'Specific Speed' which
was in a very hard to find version of a book called 'Dweller on Two
Planets'....the versions that are available now have that chapter

I have been looking for my copy for years, found the 'modern' version,
but I really have wanted to post that 'specific speed' chapter in the
old version, as it talks about how elements and vibrations stop at
'mileposts'...that you must visualize it as two (or more) rotating have the speed to consider, the axial tilt and the
direction of rotation.

Two such rotating spheres, moving in the opposite direction at the same
speed, will not add to or detract from the energy of each other.

However, change the speed of one and it necessarily changes the speed of
the other.

You can do this not only by changing the speed but also by tilting the
axis!!! Because of the diminishing amount of surface area as you move
from the equator closer to the pole.

It always intrigued me as a mechanical analogue of phase and
frequency...much like Larry Springs discovery that radiated energy
propagates as alternating spheres...see his paper at;

The entire 'Dweller on Two Planets' book including the 'Specific Speed'
chapter was written by a sickly teenager under the influence of
'automatic writing'.

If you've never read the book (Health Research out in California, they
were at Mokelumne Hill, PO BOX 70, used to sell it for about $17.00), I
suggest get a copy as he describes TV, Radio, Levitation, transmutation,
submarines, air conditioning, a disintegrating light, the NAVAZ (dark
side forces of nature and these are NOT ATOMIC as I've seen some post),
precipitating water from the air using portable NAVAZ powered
generators, all kinds of things that preceded even Jules Verne.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187