Re: Production & Ejection of Ball Lightning

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 03:50:41 -0500


Where would the plans be for such a HERF gun?? I've never seen one
though once upon a time, 'Information Unlimited' or one of those joints
in the back of electronics magazines, sold a pockect device that would
scramble TVs.

The idea was to walk near a TV and it would go snowy or roll...the BIG
joke was to walk into the electronics department of any big store and
walk through the TV area where all TVs are playing the same signal.....I
think it scrambled either the horizontal or vertical sync signals..

Haven't seen advertised now in years, but the TV scrambler seems easy
enough to do...I'd think broadcasting channel 3 modulated with a white
noise generator signal.

As to HERF...I remember lots of times where CBs using linear (class A I
think) amplifiers, usually about 200 watts, would drive by a building
with a PA playing elevator music and whatever was broadcast would be
picked up loud and clear.

In one restaurant named Dutch's, we were eating mexican food and some
joker in a pickup drove by and said, 'naw, let's not stop in Dutch's,
I've seen roaches in their mexican food'.

we nearly gagged and everyone left the place shortly after, whether true
or not, I don't trust dimly lit restaurants to this day but bars I can

Do you know of any boom box killer plans?? I was always afraid it would
fry MY OWN electronics at the same time...I know antennas have specific
patterns, so I can see how a signal could envelope a car to induce
enough radiated excess current in the preamp or amp section to smoke it.

Someone could make some great bucks selling these, plans or
kits...though it is DEFINITELY ILLEGAL....would be fun to watch the
boogie nation, hip-hot, rap music crowd scratching their heads when
their radio, dude, you turned it up TOO
LOUD...<g>...gotta love it...

Plans!! Address!!! URL!!! Thanks!!!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187