Thoughts from my little warped mind

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 08:10:05 +1200

I also believe in a Holographic universe, and in teleporting from one point
in space to another, but instead of folding space, my way uses a unified

I will try to explain.

Every point in the universe has its own separate frequency.

Any one remember the story of T.H Moray and his radio that could tune in
sound waves from anywhere on the planet? I think the story goes that there
was some people around at his place talking about his devices. One
experiment that was done at the gathering was half the people went outside
and told to talk about anything they liked. The other half stayed around
his radio. After a while of tuning about, Moray eventually "locked in"
on the conversation OUTSIDE. All of those around the radio could hear what
those outside were saying.

Moray left the room to go outside and said not to touch the you
hear the word "invitation". One person went straight to the radio and
played around. After a while he heard something like "all aboard!" then
the sound of a train whistle plus a few other things. The nearest train
station was miles away.

Moray apparently stated he could even tune in to hear Amundsen reaching the
south pole, but I cannot confirm that.

Ok, its the best example I have at the moment, so it will have to do.
Right teleportation to another point in the universe....

If you knew the frequency of a given point (points ?) in space, all you
have to do is spend millions of dollars building a chamber to create a
unified field around you car, ship, hippo, whatever, alter the frequencies
until they represent the given area of space that you wish to go to. The
two points will now co-exist, except you have now re-written the
frequencies for the new point in space...I think.

Hey I haven't given much thought to it yet.

Oh and Brown's capacitive disks, another thought that I had. One of the
highly charged plates (I don't know which, -ve, +ve?) attracts the aether
into it like a normal capacitor, the charge however is many times greater,
and a lot of aether spirals in (if the charge is strong enough) behind it.
And if you have enough wind, your sails will catch it and ye boat shall

As to faster than light travel, I still don't know. They did a
calculation on the warp field, they found that the amount of
matter/antimatter in the universe isn't enough to form one, or sustain it.
Damn shame though, I was really looking forward to working in engineering.

But as Scotty would say "I'm not a miracle worker".