Re: Everyones a Critic...

Dr Jones ( )
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 08:16:23 +1200

At 09:41 20/03/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Billy M. Williams
>This is the testimony of all that I have
>seen, and all I have learned...For this
>is the Book of the Dead, the Book of the
>Black Earth, that I have writ down at the
>peril of my life.
> --Abdul Alhazred

Where's this quote from? What does it refer to?

Anyway, the most info I have on Brown is from his family's website. I think
the URL is on Keelynet somewhere in the 97 list. There's also a couple
patents floating about. You can try looking up the IBM patent server, but I
think Browns patents are pre 1971. The one you're probably looking for is

Other patents include 1974483, 3018394, 3022430, 3187206, 3223887, 3518462.
You may be lucky and find the latter on the patent server.

There is a book by Rho Sigma and High Energy Publications (no contact given,
could try called "Ether Technology: A Rational Approach to
Gravity Control"

A report found in the Wright Patterson AFB, written by a London think tank
called Aviation Studies International Ltd in 1956, suggested that not only
were the methods secret but the ideas themselves are secret. It was called
Report 13. A guy called LaViolette came up with this stuff.

If you've got a burning passion that few researchers have, you can try to
contact a guy called Josh Reynolds. He financed Brown's last 5 years, and
continued with a "foreverready" battery, based on petrovoltaics. Its also
believed that the B2 Bomber incorporates some of Browns work.

Other potential contacts include Charles Yost, who wrote in the Electric
Spacecraft Journal in July/Sept 91 and April/June 91. I think the Journal
is on the Net somewhere.

Also I see a reference to paul Brown here - is he the same as on this list?
A Paul Brown wrote an article in Jan/MAr 92 of the Journal called
"Electrostatic Propulsion References" Any more info?

Let us know how u go :)


Im afraid I dont know much more than that..
Ooh, also does anyone have any info on HK Puharich?