Re: Thoughts from my little warped mind

Billy M. Williams ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 19:07:35 -0500

> As to faster than light travel, I still don't know. They did a
> calculation on the warp field, they found that the amount of
> matter/antimatter in the universe isn't enough to form one, or sustain
> Damn shame though, I was really looking forward to working in
> But as Scotty would say "I'm not a miracle worker".
> MR.

Yes but antimatter CAN be created. If we had the technology to split
hydrogen into positive and negative and store it safely, we could tap into
Immense power. Enough to run things like warp fields. Of course we don't
have dilithium crystals to purify the antimatter stream....but thats
another fantasy.
By the way dilithium is a 4 dimensional crystal latice...existing in time
as well as the normal 3 dimensions.
Naturally occuring antimatter is rare they say...but they also admit that
you could not tell if a planet was made of antimatter till you stepped on
it and blew up. Hard to tell how much antimatter exists I say...

It is the doom of men that they
never know quite enough wisdom
until it is too late.

Elminster of Shadowdale