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03/30/05 - 500MPG car
...a hybrid using alcohol based/ethanol fuels and electricity...

03/30/05 - Claimed Free Energy Circuit
"By publishing this very simple circuit, I would like to give the amateurs, the occasion to prove that the electric extraction of power of the vacuum exists indeed. The goal of my letter is to make known my work and to help to develop quantum generators for the use of people and industries. I decided to make public a first circuit, and the amateurs will be able to try out it." The mechanism of extraction, in my opinion, is based on ferromagnetic resonance. The free electrons exchange energy with virtual electrons of the vacuum. Normally this exchange is perfectly symmetrical. Result: No the extraction of energy. Moreover, the electrons are fermions, and in quantum mechanics, two electrons cannot be in the same state.

03/23/05 - Cooling compressed heated air for better efficiency
Air already has a certain amount of heat in it, so when you compress it, you concentrate the heat and the resulting mixture goes to a higher temperature. This higher temperature creates pressure that resists the compressor piston and causes it to have to do more work. There is a way to prevent this. There is a way to compress air at near constant temperature, so it would take considerably less energy to compress. This can almost be thought of as the opposite of the efficiency technique I outlined above; we want to take heat OUT of the air as we compress it.

03/22/05 - Sonogenetic manipulation of DNA
DNA plays a powerful role in newly discovered communications between dolphins and humans, according to a team of Cetacean (dolphin and whale) researchers at the Sirius Institute on the Big Island of Hawaii. An ongoing study there shows these marine mammals receive and transmit sound signals capable of affecting the genetic double helix, and using natural biotechnology, dolphins may heal humans swimming near them 'sonogenetically.'

03/22/05 - Clockwise spiral growth of moss in low gravity of space
Typically, when a gravitropic plant is sent into space, it gets confused; it grows in a disoriented way. These odd spirals, Sack says, mark the first time in space that a plant normally oriented by gravity has grown in a non-random pattern. No one knows exactly how plants sense gravity. One possibility, explains Sack, is amyloplasts: tiny starch-filled particles that float within the cell. Because these particles are heavy, gravity pulls them down.

03/22/05 - Ice slurry cooling 5 times more efficient than water cooling
"The ice slurry provides at least five times as much cooling as the same amount of water," explained developer Ken Kasza.

03/22/05 - Grancrete spray-on homes
Researchers say they have found a way to build cheap, sturdy homes in one day by spraying a quick-drying ceramic onto flimsy frames. The technology could help the world's poor, of which the United Nations estimates there are 1.3 billion, they say.

03/15/05 - Khaleque 10x force multiplier
Khaleque claims that "if one megawatt was provided in the input system," his machine "would generate 10 megawatts in the output and under an inbuilt mechanism one megawatt would be continually diverted back to the input to ensure a constant running of the plant."

03/14/05 - 40-50% savings using plasma spark plug
How, you may ask, is all this achieved? In a word, plasma. The revolutionary design of FireStorm spark plugs creates an electric plasma that fills the entire combustion chamber like a firestorm. It allows you to take an internal combustion engine from the standard 14.7:1 air-to-fuel ratio to an incredibly lean 24:1. At this ratio, all the air/fuel mixture is burned much more efficiently without increasing heat, thus giving an engine more power and fuel economy while creating much less pollution.