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NEXUS article on
the Crock Machine
and the MexiStim
Polarity Cycler

reported to boost
energy levels!

KeelyNet Teeshirts

Setup your own electric generating systems

BlastIT Rife
Research Handbook

746 page, 5 pound
detailed book

High Voltage
& Free Energy Devices

experimenters handbook, covers low and high voltage as well as hydrogen generation projects

Book & Video

our assortment of books and videos we sell to help support KeelyNet - we take Visa/MC credit cards, PayPal or money orders, thanks!

You are visitor # since January 1, 2003.

Alternative Science Community Networking

In an effort to promote networking in the alternative science community at large, and to give people an opportunity to seek out or provide specialized information, equipment, material or services, we are offering a few new options at no charge to assist KeelyNetters and others who might be in need of assistance.

Be aware that KeelyNet does not abide or in any way promote UFO (lights in the sky reports where technology is not provided), abductions, conspiracy, patriot or other such dissipative topics. Our goal is working hardware that inherently evokes change.

These pages will take several forms and this Network page will be as open ended as possible for future additions. For now, we will provide;

(the network subpages are still under construction)

    1 - Researcher Network - a list of alternative science researchers in your own neighborhood who you might like to contact (posted below)

    2 - Sell/Swap - a page to sell or swap machines, books or other material or services related to alternative science, to be posted at the discretion of the webmaster

    3 - People Finder - a page looking to contact a specific person or group in the form of a public request which will include your email for direct interaction

    4 - Events - upcoming conferences, meetings, symposia, lectures or other opportunities to network with others in the alternative science arena

    5 - Hit Graphs - a periodic hit graph showing which pages are getting the most hits, this tells us and others what types of pages are of the greatest interest to KeelyNet oriented callers, the first sample is at the bottom of this page and will over time be listed by week and by month as clickable viewed charts


all information placed on KeelyNet is posted or denied at the sole discretion of the webmaster depending on relevance to Keelynet topics and alternative science approaches

these Network subpages are not intended for commerical advertising - alternative science hardware and such from commercial companies goes under (PRODUCTS button to the left)

because of email volume, it is preferable that the person requesting information provide an email address for direct contact between any respondents to minimize confusion in the information exchange and provide for privacy between the parties involved

feel free to sign up to the discussion list if you might like to exchange comments and insights on alt science subjects (click on DISCUSS at left)

KeelyNet Researcher Network - 01/07/98

List of Researchers & Local Contacts - Updated 04/08/99

This is a new project, so if you have suggestions on how to improve on it, please send them to Jerry at KeelyNet for discussion or modification. Thanks...

As of 03/11/98, there are now 57 Researchers open to local networking. This list is NOT for advertising or promotion. It is intended as a resource to establish LOCAL personal contacts between interested researchers, with the expectation that seeds of future technology will sprout from such interactions.

Ideally, we are hoping that personal discussions will lead to actual experiments that will discover how to produce a reproducible overunity, gravity control or other alternative science breakthrough.

The main purpose is for KeelyNet to provide a publically accessible list of people who would like to interact on a local level with others of similar interests.

In the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, since 1992, we have had a regular monthly meeting called a Roundtable. The idea is to provide, at no charge, an open forum for discussion and networking regarding alternative science topics. (as of July 1998, our monthly Roundtables have been suspended). It is loosely based on Dean Stonier's Global Sciences group in Denver.

The Roundtable does not discuss UFOs, conspiracies/patriot or bizarre New Age topics since there are other local venues for such information. It is based on the same targeted interests as KeelyNet promotes. However, you should decide on your own topics. Please feel free to contact anyone listed for your area or near to it, in hopes of striking up new friendships and exchanges of information.

Many restaurants will give you free space if you can guarantee a certain attendance. In our case, we meet at an easy to find Wyatt's Cafeteria and are given a banquet room that holds up to 150 people, on condition that $200.00 worth of food and drink is consumed. Otherwise, we have to pay for the room. The managers are most cooperative and have bent over backwards to support our monthly meetings.

Just start with a few people and it will grow as they bring friends and others interested in such subjects. We started with 30 and ended up with 50 to 100 people per meeting. We also intentionally asked that people not advertise the meetings so as not to be glutted with those who only seek free entertainment. Some words of advice, if you expect many people to attend your get togethers, try to arrange to have your meetings;

  • as informally as possible, the less hassle for everyone, the better,

  • as freely as possible, though a donation is a nice feature,

  • at a fixed location,

  • on a fixed date and

  • at a fixed time.

This way, people can regularly plan for your meeting and find it easily. Our Roundtables are on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and we get somewhere between 60 and 100+ people. We have NEVER failed to have a meeting in the 6 years we've done it.

We do NOT advertise our meetings for fear of being deluged with people who just want free entertainment from those 'crazy science people'. Word of mouth and personal contacts are the safest form of advertisement for us.

We basically ask that participants keep an eye out in their monthly travels, for interesting or unusual alternative science or related info. That information is brought as photocopies which are described at the meeting and contributed to a copy pool. If you want the packet of information for that month, you sign up, pay .07 per page (which generally comes to about $5.00 to $12.00 per packet) and pick up your packet at the next meeting. Works quite well.

You know how you buy a $20 book and only get about 2-10 pages of useful information? With the rest being basically filler? Well, with the packets, it is highly specific information.

We also have an occasional video, machine or novel toy demonstration, surprise or planned guest speakers (Stan Deyo, George Wiseman, Dannion Brinkley, David Fasold, Jim Marrs and several others have surprised us by attending). Sometimes people will bring a guest from another state or country, so we get a chance to let them report on what happens in their neck of the woods. Try it, lots of fun, interesting and builds good contacts.

If you would like your name added to this Researcher Networking list, to be contacted by other researchers, please send an email with the following information;

  • your email address

  • the state or country you are located in

  • a BRIEF list of your alternative science interests - (no more than 3 subjects PLEASE!)

  • your city or town (optional)

If you have your own website, that information should be transmitted privately to your contacts, since this list is not intended to advertise URLs.

Send your profile information to Jerry Decker. It is our hope you will network with people in your area and help get free energy, gravity control and electronic health into practical, freely shared technologies.

In an effort to determine which pages are most popular and most abused <g> a periodic graph will be posted showing the number of hits per page.

KeelyNet Average hits per page as of 10/19/00