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Secrets of the Aether updates. My latest theories and thoughts concerning quantum physics and consciousness.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Light exerts force on matter

In our paper, A New Foundation for Physics, we provide a simple equation showing that photons exert force over an area. The equation is written:

phtn = forc * area

Light is further quantified as photon times frequency:

ligt = phtn * freq

We give the example of the Crooke's radiometer for the above equations. As photons strike the surface of the radiometer vanes they impart angular momentum, which manifests as force over an area. Since the black vanes absorb light (photons) and the silver vanes reflect light, the angular momentum is transfered to the dark vanes more than the silver vanes, thus resulting in the spinning.

Scientists at the University of Chicago have now used laser light to exert a force on soapy water, which creates a jet stream within the water. In the case of the soapy water, the surfactant in the soap apparently breaks down the binding force between water molecules, thus allowing them to move relative to each other with much less resistance. The naturally absorptive water then absorbs photons, which exerts force upon an area the width of the laser beam. The force pushes the freely moving water molecules into motion relative to surrounding water molecules.

The same effect occurs with sunlight shining on asteroids. A recent news release on EurekAlert describes an observation of the YORP effect on a near Earth asteroid.
YORP is a torque due to sunlight shining on the surfaces of asteroids and meteoroids and warming their surfaces, leading to a gentle recoil effect as the heat is emitted.

The "official" explanation of "a gentle recoil effect as heat is emitted" is nonsense as heat does not inherently have mass, nor is heat capable of causing motion. Heat is the measure of temperature associated with distributed motion within a medium, heat is not the motion's cause. The cause of a change in motion is the force associated with collision of bodies with mass.

In the Standard Model, the photon is considered to be massless. In the Aether Physics Model, the photon is said to have "net zero mass." There is a big difference between the two concepts. In the Standard Model there is no mass at all. In the Aether Physics Model a photon possesses half angular momentum due to electrons and half angular momentum due to positrons. The equal portions of electron and positron angular momentum cancel each other out, yet both angular momenta remain within the photon.

Thus, when a photon is absorbed into an appropriate atom it can produce electrons, positrons, or both, depending upon the atomic structure. In any case, when the photon is absorbed into an atom it exerts a force upon an area, as several physical observations in nature clearly demonstrate.


At 4/17/2007 03:32:00 PM, Donald said...

First of all Dave, congratulations! And, Eureka! Your model is brilliant. Unfortunately, I've only just recently discovered it! I am a computer scientist, with an understanding of 'Modern' physics, trying to qualify my understanding of Alan Turing's idea that everything computes with ideas like general relativity.

Studying time, vacuum energy, phi and its constructions led me to your Quantum AetherDynamics website from goldennumber.net. Wow! Thank you for taking the time to use such robust mathmatical language. It's so much easier to understand than typical sloppy textbook language.

The strict language forced me to really *understand* what division and multiply *mean*--not just as a mathmatical operator--but as a geometric spacetime operator! This is a personal breakthrough for me and I thank you for it. It's astounding for me to think of the Universe as a giant Light computer with so many wonderful qualities, accurately described by APM. Oh, the possibilities are endless! I anticipate receiving the ebook to learn more, and the adoption of APM.

But! To topic,

If we could shine enough light from the Sun (something that may conceive--*gasp*--global cooperation, not hollywood egoistic heroism) at the correct angle for a long enough period of time, even if the asteroid wasn't incinerated could it effectively be pushed away by light?


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