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Secrets of the Aether

Secrets of the Aether regular updates. My latest theories and thoughts concerning quantum physics and consciousness.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Aether Structure

I've been building one of Jean L. Naudin's lifters. I figured if I built a unit I could get a better idea of how the Aether worked.

Remember when Jon Lomberg and I were discussing how the Aether fabric should be represented? At that time I just didn't have enough data to work with to satisfy myself that I knew how it must structure itself. Then you suggested that the unified charge equation might be related to Einstein's GR field equation. Then I exchanged emails with a guy who built the world's largest plasma tube (known to the public) and he directed me to some pages on the Electric Sun theory and Plasma Universe theory. Now I'm building Naudin's lifter and all the pieces are coming together.

I can now present a working hypothesis for the Aether structure that incorporates GR, the unified charge equation, the Electric Sun theory, and the Plasma Universe theory. It also provides the mechanics for how electrostatic propulsion works. Once again, this hypothesis cannot be explained in any other way than with an understanding of the Aether.

I'll see if I can get MathCAD to generate the images I need to show the Aether fabric.
What is happening is that in a relaxed Aether, all the negative spheres are adjacent on all sides with positive spheres. This is an interlocked configuration, which would be expected for normal electrostatic attraction. But when a high potential DC charge is introduced, the Aether units shift into layers, rather than interlocked Aether units. It also causes the Aether to stretch, like pulling on a rubber sheet. But because the Aether units are now aligned with all negative spheres in a layer and all positive spheres in a layer, the Aether fabric also expands perpendicular to the axis of the high potential charge.

But since the positive and negative plates of the high potential are more or less localized, the effect is that the Aether units work together to produce what appears as a macro structure Aether unit. But high potential isn't the only way to produce a macro Aether unit structure. I'm sure you have seen the magnetic field lines of magnets. On a flat sheet of paper the magnetic flux lines appear to produce a figure 8 pattern; two adjacent circles. But in 3D they would be two adjacent spheres.

Strong electrostatic potentials and strong electromagnetic charges both would produce the same macro Aether structure.

We already presented the idea that folded Aether units within atoms have a pinching effect on the Aether. This pulls the Aether fabric toward a massive object, such as a star. But the stretching of the Aether also causes a strong electrostatic and electromagnetic effect around the star, as well.

Sometimes we see pictures of a helix pattern in solar prominences, Tesla coil streamers, or galactic "clouds". What we are looking at is a macro Aether structure in which matter (electrons and protons) are caught in the double loxodrome spin positions.

I'm looking forward to finishing the lifter experiment and applying this knowledge to the Alpha One experiment I have also nearly finished constructing.