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Secrets of the Aether

Secrets of the Aether updates. My latest theories and thoughts concerning quantum physics and consciousness.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Magnetars as Evidence of Aether

A magnetar is a city-sized object with a magnetic field 1,000,000,000,000,000 times greater than Earth's magnetic field. These objects are neutron "stars," which spin at 500 to 1000 rotations per second.

The Aether Physics Model shows that all subatomic particles are magnetic. It is further reasoned that the net magnetic alignment of subatomic particles in an atomic nucleus contributes to a materials magnetism. Neutron stars, and their stronger versions, magnetars, are stellar bodies probably formed in the core of other stars during their lifetime. When the star explodes the dense neutron core remains. Our own Sun may have it's own small neutron core, which would drive its magnetic field. This could explain how the Sun flips its magnetic field every 11 years.

Of particular interest is the prevailing scientific belief that the magnetar's magnetic field develops from its spin. The faster the magnetar spins, the stronger its magnetic field would be, based on the Standard Model understanding of magnetism. But the SM does not present a theory for how an explosion, such as a Supernova, could increase the spin rate of a star's core. The Aether Physics Model suggests that the magnetic alignment of the neutrons means that their angular momentum is also aligned. Since the neutron angular momentum must exist within the Aether to maintain its spin, it is more likely that the Aether acting on a near perfect neutron "crystal" is what causes the spin. The larger and more perfect the neutron alignment is in the neutron star, the faster it will spin.


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