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Secrets of the Aether

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Sunday, January 02, 2005

Interplanetary Magnetic Field and the Aether

The Aether Physics Model states that all magnetic fields are, in fact, direct manifestations of Aether. If this is true, the Aether should function similarly at the interplanetary scale as it does at the quantum scale.

In "Secrets of the Aether," several experiments are suggested that demonstrate the magnetic field is a function of Aether rather than onta (electrons and protons). For example, when a magnet is place with the north or south pole against a CRT (i.e. computer or TV screen) and twisted back and forth, the electron pattern does not move with the magnet, but remains steady. This is true whether the magnet is circular, square, or any other shape.

From these observations it can be deduced that the interplanetary magnetic field would exhibit a similar absolute reference with the Aether. It should be true that the Earth experiences some type of annual variation in its magnetic field with regard to the Sun's magnetic field.

As in the case of the magnets placed against a CRT, the Sun's magnetic field does not spin at the same rate as the Sun's rotation. The Sun rotates about its polar axis once every 28 days. Yet the Earth experiences a variation with respect to the Sun's magnetic field exactly once each year.

The following quote is from the Space Physics Text Book of Oulu.

"The annual geomagnetic variation relates to the Earth's orbit. Due to the 7.2 degrees tilt of the solar rotation axis with respect to the normal of ecliptic, the Earth reaches the highest northern and southern heliographic latitude (where solar wind speed is higher) on September 6 and March 5, respectively, and crosses the equator twice a year between these dates. Thus, when observed from Earth, one should expect a semiannual variation in solar wind speed with maxima around these dates. However, annual variation is often more clear (e.g., Bolton, 1990), and this is because the solar wind distribution is asymmetric or shifted with respect to equator (Zieger and Mursula, 1998). "


The lack of a clear semi-annual variation and a clearer annual variation supports the Aether Physics Model concept of magnetic fields. It would seem that the APM could be put to good use in astrophysics, perhaps helping to explain many of the mysteries still facing scientists today.


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