A little Extra information about DENNIS LEE -

You may be wondering what's going on with what Dennis is offering -Hey, go ahead and hear him out (it's certainly a show you won't forget) - but also hold on to this for that valuable second opinion.  We skeptics can't afford Dennis's 6 figure advertising budget - but you can catch us on the internet.  Go to a public library or get a friend to help you check out: http://www.phact.org/e/z/leelee.htm

Some things Dennis probably won't tell you:
A few points to remember during the show:

Some fun questions to ask Dealers: responses from Dennis's people are in red

Dennis's excuses for avoiding real proof of free energy during tours like this:


"needs a few adjustments, how about next week?"

"Sorry, more bad guys stopped me"

"sell other stuff first to not collapse economy"

" . . there, 5 seconds running - see, it works"

"pay no heed to the batteries or power cord running up to it"

"trust my meters, we have no time for yours"

"here's hours of theory, to explain how it works"

"can't show it, because someone may steal it"

"God just told me not to show it after all"

"I have to solve the nuclear waste problem first"

"I'll give big business one last chance to join me"

"I've already demonstrated it plenty of times!"

"you wouldn't believe your eyes anyhow"

"God wants us to have faith it will work"

"must haggle with inventor before I can put it out"

"first give me more money, then I'll show you"

Extraordinary Claims Need Extraordinary Proof - This message brought to you by
some members of the Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking: http://www.phact.org

Dennis doesn't mention the 200+ year history of people losing money on phony free energy claims. Other "free energy messiahs" also have been known to target Christians, only produce promises and excuses, mix in politics and religion, switch causes, claim deity channeling, hide behind conspiracy claims and get in protracted battles. (i.e.. Joe Newman is still taking investor money after 20 years with out valid proof.)
James Randi offered Dennis Lee over $1,000,000 just for simple proof of what was to have been installed nation wide. Dennis has run a foul of Pat Robertson, Tesla society people, the law enforcement community, skeptics, newspaper investigators, businessmen, internet people, and many current dealers. If he has a real free energy machine as promised, we all should help him - but if not, investors deserve to know so they can get on with their lives. The MAIN claim that motivated dealers to write checks is the free energy machines. You could of sold power plugs, fire retardents and fertilizers with out buying a dealership- Don't be distracted by the other ordinary products which have questionable proof, disputed ownership, limited application, inflated prices, and history of past failures in the market place.
There are a number of open prizes for proof of free energy but, all the free energy messiahs out there today avoid such open tests. Dennis has been breaking promises to have open free energy demonstrations for about 10 years (before that, he was charged with fraud for several unrelated scams) So far, any demonstrations just use conventional stored energy to generate power for just a few seconds. Don't be fooled such a lame demonstration. An extraordinary claim needs extraordinary proof.  scheduled for July 12. Dennis is an excellent salesman with pathological optimism who is able to convince people to trust him. Dennis makes many serious scientific errors in his presentations. Many scientists and engineers have long told him his theory is fatally flawed. There seem to be no trained scientists or engineers willing to openly argue in favor of Dennis's theories.
People should be skeptical when hearing "God" and "Money" in the same breath. Dennis (like Do, Koresh, Jim Jones and Moon) has claimed to receive regular revelations directly from God (he's also claimed to "write in tongues"). But the bible warns us to beware of false profits ;) Cult leaders all demand huge amounts of money, preach belief in a conspiracy against the cult, make endless grandiose promises to loyal members, hold marathon training/recruiting sessions, strongly attack unbelievers, hold strange political views, are self educated and have big run ins with the law or main stream society. It looks questionable when he has people sign away legal rights after midnight for a "tonight only" deal. see Math 7:15-20, 24:24, 2Cor 11:18-21 Please pass this on to other dealers.
But it's exciting to keep hearing Dennis's amazing claims and it's easier to wishfully hope that one of his claims will pay out than deal with the possibility of having been scammed. Bo Gritz has said on his radio show "as far as I can see,  Dennis Lee is a con man"

For more unofficial information on Lee: contact the NJ BBB or the Christian Broadcasting Network, or the Utah Deseret News Also, find a high school kid to get information on the internet from: http://www.phact.org/e/dennis.html For free information by mail, send a self addressed stamped envelope to "the Other side of BWT" Box 1131 North Wales PA 19454
--- some of the lessons learned:

The following is Dennis's list of excuses not to demonstrate:
-many are used by other free energy messiahs- -many of these excuses are used by Joe Newman


The following is a list of untruths that Dennis has told:

Dennis’s claim

The real truth

Dennis has claimed that no one debates his input/output power demonstration.

Many people have tested his stuff and found it underunity.

He has said it is free to sign up for free electricity.

No – you really have to pay to at least join some club to do it.





















please send mail to eric@voicenet.com
Creator of this page created 11/10/96, last updated 12/27/99 this page can be found as http://www.phact.org/e/dennis32.htmKeywords: free energy overunity over-unity over unity heat pumps heatpump heatpumps heat pump Dennis Lee UCSA C.O.N.S.E.R.V.E. Eric Krieg Jack Hammer Brown's Gas browns gas yull brown fischer frazier LTPC ABR Burner Brauer Pirrone radioactive waste Professor Brown BWT frictionless oil fire shaker and sonic bloom JVA fireshaker interceptor CFSA The Greatest Energy Show On Earth eliminate all forms of pollution worldwide USA Today February 2, 1996 Page 9B UCSA Dealer INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT United Community Services of America S.A.M.P. Seller's Assisted Marketing Plan Strategic Advertising Fire Retardant Noiseless Jackhammer Plastic Housing FREE Electricity Farmer's Pump Car Conversion